Content Providers
VIB Bioinformatics Core
Provider of Bioinformatics and software training, plus informatics services and resource management support.
58 training materials0 events (201 past events)VIB Bioinformatics Core Provider of Bioinformatics and software training, plus informatics services and resource management support. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/042/original/bioinformatics_core_cmyk_pos.jpg?1539150443 -
Flemish Supercomputer Centre
The Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) is a virtual centre making supercomputer infrastructure available for both the academic and industrial world. This centre is managed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in partnership with the five Flemish university associations.
0 events (66 past events)Flemish Supercomputer Centre The Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) is a virtual centre making supercomputer infrastructure available for both the academic and industrial world. This centre is managed by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in partnership with the five Flemish university associations. /system/content_providers/images/000/000/067/original/logo_VSC_CMYK-1.png?1487672198 -
VIB Conferences
VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. More than 1470 scientists from over 66 countries perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life. The institute offers a program of international VIB conferences in various VIB research fields. From day one VIB has...
0 events (19 past events)VIB Conferences VIB is a life sciences research institute in Flanders, Belgium. More than 1470 scientists from over 66 countries perform basic research into the molecular foundations of life. The institute offers a program of international VIB conferences in various VIB research fields. From day one VIB has supported and sponsored scientific conferences to help VIB scientists network with their colleagues. In 2014 the VIB Conference Series was launched to further expand these activities and support them with a dedicated professional team. The aims of the conference series are: to showcase cutting edge research and exciting technological solutions presented by leading scientist in the life sciences fields to offer junior researchers the opportunity to present their work during poster sessions and learn from the world’s experts during the Meet the Expert sessions to establish opportunities for collaborations between scientists during an accompanying social program including lunches, conference dinners and receptions /system/content_providers/images/000/000/054/original/vib_conferences_series_rgb_pos.png?1538645378 -
UCLouvain Bioinformatics Platform
The platform's goak is to collaborate throughput the scientific community at the UCLouvain and offer technical and methodological bioinformatics support, including, among others:
support the bioinformatics aspects of grant proposals and experimental designs
high throughput omics data analysis...1 training material0 events (2 past events)UCLouvain Bioinformatics Platform The platform's goak is to collaborate throughput the scientific community at the UCLouvain and offer technical and methodological bioinformatics support, including, among others: support the bioinformatics aspects of grant proposals and experimental designs high throughput omics data analysis such as genomics, epigenetics and transcriptomics (RNASeq or microarrays) or mass spectrometry based proteomics and metabolomics help in utilisation of public databases (TCGA, Gtex, CCLE, ENCODE, ...) development of dedicated algorithms and software. The platform also organises workshops in data analysis and bioinformatics to introduce particpants to widely used languages such as R, and get them started in the analysis of their own omics data. For additional information and any collaboration requests, please contact us by email at describing your needs, including, if data is already available, the underlying technology and experimental design. Members Prof Laurent Gatto Mr Theo Killian Dr Axelle Loriot Contact: CBIO - de Duve Institute - UCLouvain Avenue Hippocrate, 75 - bte B1.74.10 1200 Brussels, Belgium -
Genomics Core KU Leuven/UZ Leuven
The Genomics Core is a facility that advances the development and implementation of novel genomic technologies. The facility provides technological and intellectual support for scientific applications as well as next generation genetic diagnosis.
The genomics core partners within the...0 events (1 past event)Genomics Core KU Leuven/UZ Leuven The Genomics Core is a facility that advances the development and implementation of novel genomic technologies. The facility provides technological and intellectual support for scientific applications as well as next generation genetic diagnosis. The genomics core partners within the Universitaire ziekenhuizen KULeuven to enable the BELAC-accredited breast cancer (BRCA) genetic test as well as non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). -
0 events (1 past event)VIB HQ