4 Open Source Software Recommendations Hackathon
Date: 1 - 3 August 2018
Following the success of the F1000 paper “Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software”, the ELIXIR Training Platform is partnering with The Carpentries Foundation to create new training material to encompass these new recommendations. As part of this endeavour, we organised a workshop that took place at the CarpentryCon in Dublin in June and now plan a lessons hackathon organised at the DTL Utrecht on 1-3 August 2018. The goal of which is to create a collection of training materials to teach researchers and developers how to implement the four open source software recommendations "4OSS" to encourage best practices in their research software development.
The two-day writing hackathon in Utrecht will begin at lunchtime on 1 August and end at lunchtime on 3 August. During this time we will produce the first draft of the training material. Participants will be divided into four groups led by team leads: Allegra Via, Paula Andrea Martinez, Fotis Psomopoulos and Mateusz Kuzak together with François Michonneau (Software Carpentry representative) to ensure each recommendation will have its own episode training material produced at the end of the hackathon. During the hackathon, participants will be encouraged to move between teams and contribute to different episodes. After the hackathon, the material will be refined online in preparation for a follow-up meeting planned at NETTAB2018 in Genoa (24-25 October) to make the final touches in preparation for the release of version 1.
Venue: JIM, DTL office
Country: Netherlands
Postcode: 3521AL
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log