4th Czech National Conference ENBIK2018
Date: 11 - 13 June 2018
Timezone: Amsterdam
ENBIK is a multidisciplinary forum of experts in computational analysis of life science and biomedical data. ENBIK covers all areas of life science informatics, such as bioinformatics, chemoinformatics or molecular modelling. At ENBIK, everyone can present its research in the form of a lecture or poster. A conference language is English.
Conference topics cover all aspects of a computational biology, bioinformatics or chemoinformatics, including:
- Computational genomics
- The analysis of gene expression and its regulation
- Phylogenomics
- Computational proteomics
- Strcutural bioinformatics
- Systems biology
- Chemoinformatics and computational drug design
- Algorithms and methods in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics
- Knowledge mining from biological data, texts and images
- Biomolecular modeling
Contact: http://enbik.cz/enbik2018/
Keywords: bioinformatics, Chemical biology
Venue: Skalský Court Hotel, Lísek
City: Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
Region: Žďár nad Sázavou
Country: Czechia
Organizer: Department of Informatics and Chemistry, University of Chemistry and Technology & CZ-OPENSCREEN: National infrastructure of chemical biology
- First come first served
Target audience: Researchers, PhD students
Event types:
- Meetings and conferences
Scientific topics: Bioinformatics, Cheminformatics
Activity log