Date: 15 - 19 May 2017

Timezone: Amsterdam

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Explore the open source world over 4 days with experience bioinformaticians.

A course focusing on tools for data exploration and visualisation using the R language and bash scripting. This workshop is designed to help increase your productivity by developing frequently used scripts into tools.

Develop robust practices when working with large datasets

A balanced combination of lectures and practical sessions will allow you to apply newly-acquired
skills to a real data science problem. This allows participants to feel confident in their ability to
implement these solutions independently.

• Linux™ power scripting (awk, xargs) – free yourself from spreadsheets
• Fundamentals of data management – assesing data integrity
• Handling genomics ranges (BED, SAM, BAM, etc.) – finding overlapping ranges


Keywords: data management

Venue: Thermo Fisher Scientific 129, Frankfurter Straße Darmstadt D-64293

City: Darmstadt

Region: Darmstadt

Country: Germany

Postcode: 64293

Organizer: Thermo Fisher Scientific


  • Registration of interest

Target audience: Participants are expected to be familiar with Linux and scripting

Capacity: 6

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

External resources:

Activity log