Date: 5 - 9 October 2020

The "Computational Modeling in Biology" Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology and related fields. COMBINE 2020 will be a workshop-style online event with oral presentations and breakout sessions. The five meeting days will include talks about the COMBINE standards and associated or related standardization efforts, presentations of tools using these standards and other use cases as well as tutorials.

COMBINE 2020 will provide a schedule which takes into account all time zones around the world, a real 24 hour conference. The first two days will be talks and presentations including keynote speakers. Talks on Monday will be recorded and the recordings presented again on Tuesday, together with a live question and answer session with the speaker, at a different time shifted for a different time zone. Wednesday to Friday will be for breakout sessions and tutorials.

The meeting will be free of charge. Registration will open at the end of July and be kept open until the conference, however, to be able to consider your availability we need your registration before Sept. 1, 2020. The submission deadline for abstracts for talks, breakouts, and tutorials will also be on Sept. 1, 2020.

Event types:

  • Meetings and conferences
  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: Systems medicine, Systems biology, Data curation and archival, Data integration and warehousing, Data visualisation, Data management, Data quality management, Data mining, Data architecture, analysis and design

Activity log