Date: 30 November - 1 December 2020

Timezone: Amsterdam

We are pleased to announce the Data Management planning workshop for Life Scientists organised in Trondheim by ELIXIR Norway, Digital Life Norway and Research Data@NTNU.

The intended audience are researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors) that are planning to submit a grant application for a research project. Max. number of participants is 35.

How-to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the funding organisations?

Ingrid Heggland (ResearchData@NTNU), Ane M Gabrielsen (ResearchData@NTNU), Heine Skipenes (Research IT NTNU), Anne Heidi Skogholt (NTNU/HUNT-Cloud), Kjersti Rise (NTNU/ELIXIR-Norway) and Korbinian Bösl (UiB/ELIXIR-Norway/Centre for Digital Life Norway)

Course content:


0900 - 0915 Introduction
0915 - 0945 Requirements from institutions & funding bodies

Research Council Norway

0945 - 1015 Information on national and local storage infrastructures

NTNU Computing & Storage resources

1015 - 1030 Short break
1030 - 1230 Relevant deposition repositories/ data archives

domain specific archives (ELIXIR/EMBL-EBI, NCBI)
NIRD archive
NTNU Open Research Data/ DataverseNO


0900 - 1000 GDPR and other legal requirements for research on humans

Health Research Act
Personal Data Act

1000 - 1015 Short break
1015 - 1045 Licensing of data, biological material and software
1045 - 1300 Hands on training and assistance to generate a data management plan


Join us online and bring your research project if you have one. You will get the opportunity to set up a data management plan for your project with help of the Data Steward Wizard tool using a structured and detailed questionnaire with references to relevant resources.
Register before 25 November 2020


Keywords: DMP, Data management plan, data management

Organizer: ELIXIR Norway

Host institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology


  • First come first served

Target audience: PhD students, Post Docs, All postgraduates, Professors

Capacity: 35

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Sponsors: Centre for Digital Life Norway

Scientific topics: Data curation and archival, Data security, Data management

Operations: Data handling, Data deposition

External resources:
Related training materials:

Activity log