Date: 4 - 5 April 2022

Timezone: Amsterdam

We are pleased to announce the Data Management planning workshop for Life Scientists in Norway provided by ELIXIR Norway
and Digital Life Norway.

All projects receiving funding from the Norwegian Research Council (RCN) are required to submit a data management plan (DMP) shortly after the contract with the RCN has been signed. All Norwegian universities also require a DMP for all projects.
This workshop focuses on how to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet
the requirements of the RCN.

We would like to invite researchers (PhD candidates, Post Doctoral Fellows, Researchers, Associate Professors and Professors)
in existing and upcoming Life Science projects to develop their DMP in this workshop.

Register here by 31st of March 2022

The workshop will take place if there are at least 10 participants



0830 - 0900 Login support

0900 - 0915 Introduction

0915 - 0930 Requirements from the RCN

0930 - 1000 Parallel session: Local recommendations & storage infrastructures Institutional DMP guidelines

1000 - 1015 Short break

1015 - 1100 Introduction DSW

1100 - 1120 Information on national storage infrastructures


1120 - 1135 Short break

1135 - 1230 Persistent identifiers, Controlled Vocabularies & Ontologies


0900 - 1000 Key legal requirements for research in the GDPR and Health research act

Personal Data Act
Health Research Act

1000 - 1015 Short break

1015 - 1045 Relevant deposition repositories/ data archives

domain-specific archives (ELIXIR/EMBL-EBI, NCBI)
Dataverse NO
NIRD archive

1045 - 1100 Short break

1100 - 1115 Licensing of data, biological material and software

1115 - 1300 Hands-on training and assistance to generate a data management plan

Requirements: Join us online and bring your project proposal. You will get the opportunity to set up a data management plan for your project with help of the Data Stewardship Wizard tool using a structured and detailed questionnaire with references to relevant resources.

Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop.


Keywords: DMP, Data managment plan, RDM, NeLS, TSD, sensitive data, data protection, Compliance, Identifiers, dat alife cycle - reuse, data life cycle - collect , data life cycle - process, data life cycle - analyse, data life cycle - share, data life cycle - preserve, storage, data life cycle - plan, data publication, metadata, Data storage

Organizer: ELIXIR Norway


  • First come first served

Target audience: PhD candidate, Professors, postdoctoral researchers, data stewards, Researchers, Life Scientists, Senior scientist/ Principal investigator, data steward / data manager, All postgraduates

Capacity: 45

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Sponsors: Centre for Digital Life Norway, ELIXIR Converge

Scientific topics: Data management, Data curation and archival

Operations: Data handling, Data deposition

External resources:

Activity log