Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology (4th edition)
Date: 23 - 24 September 2021
Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology are revolutionizing Life Sciences. Driven by advances in the CRISPR-toolbox for rapid, cheap, multiplex modification of genomes and breakthroughs in DNA synthesis technologies, the pace of progress enabled by these tools in the last years has been breathtaking.
The first three editions (September 2013, January 2016, January 2018) were a roaring success and we are pleased to announce the 4th edition of GESB in beautiful Ghent in September, 2020.
Travel Grants
We offer 5 travel grants to international attendees, which will reimburse travel costs up to 400 Euros. Are you interested in attending GESB20 and want to have a chance on a travel grant? Submit your motivation below by clicking on the 'Apply for a grant' button before 24 June 2021. The organizing committee will notify you of your travel grant acceptance by the end of June. No registration is needed before submitting a travel grant proposal. When you’re awarded with a travel grant you will receive a practical email containing the next steps. Note that being awarded a travel grant does not mean being registered for the conference.
Poster information:
Format: A0 (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 in), portrait orientation
• Early Bird: 30 July 2020
• Late Registration: 26 August 2020
• Abstract deadline: 2 July 2020
• Edward Lemke - Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), DE, Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU), DE & EMBL, DE
• Sarah Christine Heilshorn - Stanford University, US
• Jane Langdale - University of Oxford, UK
• George Guo-Qiang Chen - Tsinghua University, CN
• Jason Gammack - Inscripta, US
• Janice Chen - Mammoth Biosciences, US
• Dan Voytas - University of Minnesota, US & Co-Founder & CSO, Calyxt, US
• Alexis Komor - University of California, US
• Fred Van Ex - Inari Agriculture, BE
• Ross Sozzani - NC State Univeristy, US
• Bruno Correia - EPFL, CH
• Patrick Yizhi Cai - Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, UK
• Tilmann Buerckstuemmer - Aelian Biotechnology, AT
• Peter Smibert - New York Genome Center, Techn Innovation lab, US
• Tara Deans - University of Utah, US
• Jonathan Gootenberg - McGovern Institute, MIT, US
• Steve Harvey - CEO Camena Biosciences, UK
• Rob Marchmont - VP Sphere Fluidics, UK
• Charlie Silver - CEO Mission Bio, US
• Bryan Dickinson - The University of Chicago, US
• Holger Puchta - Botanical Institute, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE
• Ping-Wei Ho - VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology, BE
• And more to come!
Contact: VIB Conferences team - +32(0)92446611 -
Keywords: genome engineering, Synthetic biology, crispr, dna synthetis, technologies
Venue: De Bijloke, Bijlokekaai 7, 7, Bijlokekaai
City: Gent
Region: Oost-Vlaanderen
Country: Belgium
Postcode: 9000
Organizer: VIB
Target audience: Industry, PhD students, Academics
Capacity: 400
Event types:
- Meetings and conferences
Sponsors: Takara, Twist Bioscience
Activity log