Hands-on data analysis workshop
Date: 6 September 2019 @ 09:00 - 12:00
Format: Bring your laptop with an updated internet browser (Chrome,
Firefox or Safari). This is an interactive workshop!
Register free here: https://forms.gle/dvrevioB7cmaMMpA6
During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to work on a
dataset/problem/question of your choice (such as your own research
question, or e.g. a Galaxy analysis tutorial) with our assistance.
This is also a good opportunity to get more experience on:
Services for sensitive data (TSD)" including computing on the Colossus
clusterNGS data analysis using NeLS Galaxy https://galaxy-uib.bioinfo.no/
How to use the NeLS portal https://nels.bioinfo.no/ for Data
Management in your projectHow to use StoreBioInfo https://storebioinfo.norstore.no/ for Data
Management in your project
If you have a specific question you would like to get help with during
the workshop, kindly notify us ahead, so we may be prepared. Also, if
you have wishes for topics to discuss in plenum for this, and also
future workshops, please let us know.
We have in the works an introduction to NeLS and Galaxy for students
and researchers new to bioinformatics so if you have or know people
that would be interested in taking part please watch this space for
more information.
Contact: david.dolan@uib.no
Keywords: Hands-on, NeLS, Galaxy, data management, NGS analysis
Venue: Meeting Room 505O2, CBU, Høyteknologisenteret 5th floor, Thormøhlens Gate 55A
City: Bergen
Country: Norway
Organizer: ELIXIR Norway
Host institutions: University of Bergen
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log