Introducing UTAP: User-friendly Transcriptome Analysis Pipeline
Date: 9 September 2019 @ 13:30 - 16:00
RNA-Seq (including bulk Mars-seq) technology is routinely used to characterize the transcriptome and detect gene expression differences among cell types, genotypes and conditions. In order to enable fast and user-friendly data analysis, we developed an intuitive and scalable transcriptome pipeline: UTAP that executes the full process on Weizmann computer cluster (WEXAC), starting from sequences and ending with a comprehensive report. The workshop includes a lecture regarding the analysis steps UTAP performs and a hands on session to run the pipeline and understand the outputs it produces.
Registration is required and will open near the workshop date.
First you need to register for the BBCU activities here:
(click on the LogIn button) and then you need to register for the workshop. (click on the Register button)
Venue: Feinberg Room B
City: Rehovot
Region: Israel
Country: Israel
Organizer: Dr. Dena Leshkowitz
- Registration of interest
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: RNA-Seq
Activity log