Introduction to Data Management Practices
Date: 12 - 14 October 2021
Timezone: Amsterdam
National course open for PhD students, postdocs, researchers and other employees within all Swedish universities. This course will introduce important aspects of Research Data Management through a series of lectures and hands-on computer exercises. The course is intended for researchers that want to take the first steps towards a more systematic and reproducible approach to analysing and managing research data.
Topics covered will include:
- Open Science and FAIR in practice
- Organising data, files and folders in research projects
- Versioning data, documents and scripts with Git
- Describing data with metadata
- Cleaning tabular data and metadata with OpenRefine
- Submitting data to public data repositories
- Writing basic recipes for data analysis and visualisation with R (Links to an external site.)
Learning objectives:
- To get acquainted with, and reflect upon, the principles of Open Science and FAIR
- To understand the importance of metadata, and how it affects “FAIRness”
- To learn how to organise files to make project work more efficient
- To learn to clean up messy tabular data and metadata
- To learn how to find, and submit to, relevant public repositories for data publication
- To learn to apply simple version control practices on files
- To learn to start using R to analyse data
Contact: Course contact
Keywords: data management, data publication, storage, DMP, data organisation, metadata, data quality
Venue: Uppsala University, SciLifeLab, BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
City: Uppsala
Country: Sweden
Organizer: NBIS
Host institutions: NBIS, SciLifeLab
- Registration of interest
Target audience: Researchers, PhD candidates
Capacity: 15
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Scientific topics: Data management, FAIR data, Data curation and archival
Operations: Data handling, Data deposition, Data formatting, Format validation, Data filtering
External resources:Activity log