Date: 24 March 2021 @ 09:00 - 17:00

Timezone: UTC+2

Machine learning has evolved greatly over the past two decades in both research and industry and is typically used for prediction tasks using classification models. This workshop is focused on how to construct a machine learning classifier demonstrated on an example of mRNA sequencing data downloaded from the Cancer Genomic Atlas (TCGA). The workshop will contain two parts:

10:00 – 10:30 Theoretical introduction to of basic principles in machine learning classification models: concepts, classification, data processing and construction of a machine learning model. This part will be given at beginner’s level and does not require any previous knowledge.

10:30 – 11:00 Demonstration of the basic principles using Python code and Jupyter notebook as a development environment. The demonstration will be led by the lecturer, and therefore programming skills are helpful but not essential.


Keywords: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Course, Gene Expression

Organizer: LSCF Bioinformatics Unit

Host institutions: Weizmann Institute of Science

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: Machine learning

Activity log