Date: 5 October 2021 @ 09:00 - 17:00

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Jacobo Miranda Ackerman, Daniel Krause, Nils Hoffmann (de.NBI, BioInfra.Prot / LIFS)

October 5th, 2021, 9:00 – 12:00 (CEST) & 13:00 – 17:00 (CEST)

Deadline for Workshop Registration:
Until capacity is reached.

On-Site, Regensburg (if local COVID-19 rules allow, on-line otherwise)

In the first part of the course, we will work through an example for targeted LC-MS lipidomics with LipidCreator and Skyline. In the second part of the course, we will apply PeakStrainer and LipidXplorer for filtering, identification and quantification of lipid signals from shotgun lipidomics. The course will consist of a short theory and background overview of the employed programs complemented by the application of the tools to provided data sets. The third part of this course will work through a typical use-case of downstream data processing of shotgun lipidomics data following MS acquisition with LipidXplorer. We will inspect, check and normalize the data as well as calculate absolute quantities using internal class-specific standards with lxPostman. In part four, we will then perform a qualitative comparison of the lipidomes using the LUX Score lipidome homology.

09:00 – 09:45 Welcome and Introduction
10:00 – 10:30 Targeted Lipidomics with LipidCreator and Skyline
10:30 – 12:00 LipidCreator and Skyline Exercises

13:00 – 14:30 Shotgun Lipidomics with LipidXplorer
14:30 – 15:30 Quantification of Shotgun Lipidomics data with lxPostman
15:30 – 17:00 Lipidome comparison with LUX Score

Learning goals:
Participants will be able to understand and explain the shotgun MS and targeted LC-MS workflows for lipidomics. They will learn the fundamentals of the software tools used and how to choose parameters for them. They will learn to understand and interpret the results of each step of the pipeline.

Basic knowledge of lipidomics, analytical workflows in lipidomics and basic familiarity with web-based and desktop applications. Please note that you may need to install software on your computer to fully participate in all exercises which may require the proper rights. The workshop will be a mix of small lecture segments and hands-on exercises. The trainers will be available for questions and assistance during the workshop.

Lipidomics, Shotgun, Targeted, LC-MS

PeakStrainer and LipidXplorer, LipidCreator, Skyline, lxPostman, LUX Score

Please select the “LIFS Training session I & II” in the Workshops section of the conference registration. Capacity is limited to 30 participants.

2G (vaccinated or fully recovered) - with either certificate of full vaccination or certificate of recovery / positive PCR test not older than six months. Nose+mouth protection - FFP2 mask or medical mouth nose protection have to be worn inside of buildings.

Venue: Regensburg

City: Regensburg

Region: Oberpfalz

Country: Germany

Organizer: de.NBI

Activity log