MCCMB 2017 : Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology 2017
Date: 27 - 30 July 2017
Dear colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to the 8th International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB’17), which will take place on July 27-30, 2017 in Moscow, Russia.
Starting mid-January 2017, we welcome submissions of two-page abstracts from researchers working, in particular, in the following areas:
- sequence analysis (statistics of DNA and protein sequences; functional annotation of genes, proteins and genomes);
- structure of biopolymers (prediction of protein structure; interaction of proteins with ligands; comparative analysis of protein 3D structures; prediction of RNA structure);
- molecular evolution (phylogenetic analysis; comparative genomics; genome rearrangements);
- omics and systems biology (genome and metagenome analysis; transcriptomics; large-scale analysis of proteomes and protein-protein interactions, metabolic and signal pathways; models and networks);
- next generation sequencing;
- bioalgorithms.
Basing on the conference history, we expect about 40 talks, 100 posters, and, possibly, some computer demonstrations and round tables.
Preliminarly timetable:
- submission of abstracts will be open in January 2017;
- the deadline for submission of abstracts for oral presentations is March 8, 2017;
- the deadline for submission of poster abstracts is May 1, 2017.
The accepted abstracts will be indexed in the Russion Index of Scientific Citations (RINC).
Selected papers of MCCMB’17 participants will be published in the special issue of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology subject to the standard reviewing procedure.
Looking forward to see you in Moscow next summer,
MCCMB’17 organizing committee
Venue: Moscow State University, 1, ulitsa Leninskiye Gory
City: Moscow
Country: Russian Federation
Organizer: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Event types:
- Meetings and conferences
Scientific topics: Bioinformatics, Molecular biology, Genetics
Activity log