Date: 26 - 27 November 2018

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After a successful first edition of the VIB Conference “Metabolism in cancer and stromal cells” in September 2015, we are pleased to announce the second edition that will take place in the beautiful and historic city of Leuven.

During this international Conference we will focus on how cancer and stromal cells metabolically communicate and how their specific metabolism impacts disease development and progression. These cellular metabolism insights will offer novel therapeutic opportunities for malignant, metabolic, or inflammatory disease. In addition, also the impact of ‘omics’ technologies to study cellular metabolism will be highlighted during the meeting.

This conference will bring together internationally renowned experts who will showcase their findings on cell-type specific metabolism in cancer and beyond. By bringing together experts from different disciplines, we aim to provide a unique platform of interactions and to create a vibrant environment for discussions on novel concepts and recent technological developments.

In addition to the scientific program with plenary talks and poster sessions, there will be ample opportunities to network during the breaks, reception and conference dinner.

Poster information:
Format: A0 (841 x 1189 mm / 33.1 x 46.8 in), portrait orientation


Contact: VIB Conferences +32 9 244 66 11

Keywords: Metabolism of Endothelial Cells, Metabolism of Immune Cells, Metabolism of Cancer Cells, Metabolism of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts

Venue: Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven

City: Leuven

Region: Vlaams-Brabant

Country: Belgium

Postcode: 3000

Organizer: VIB Conference Series

Host institutions: VIB


  • First come first served

Target audience: PhD, Academics

Event types:

  • Meetings and conferences

Activity log