Microbiome Data Analysis Workshop
Date: 20 - 23 April 2020
We cordially invite you to our first Microbiome Data Analyses Workshop!
This event will be held April, 20-23 2020, at Hasselt University.
The international workshop is organised jointly by the
Data Sciences Institute and Center for Environmental Sciences.
The MDAW brings leading scientists to UHasselt to discuss their newest developments, statistical tools,
and latest findings in the rapidly expanding field of microbiome data analyses and high-throughput sequencing.
This event is held to encourage PhD students and Postdocs dealing with large and complicated, highly
dimensional microbiome datasets, to get an overview of the current state-of-the art in amplicon
sequence data analyses, teached in lectures and hands-on sessions.
Additionally, this workshop aims to promote scientific networking and
potential research collaborations at both national and international levels.
For more details and registration, please read further below.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the 1st Microbiome Data Analyses Workshop!
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Professor Dr. Olivier Thas, dr. Sofie Thijs, dr. Stefanie Kerkhofs
Contact: dr. Sofie THIJS, tel +32-11-268225
Venue: UHasselt Diepenbeek gebouw D, Agoralaan
City: Diepenbeek
Region: Limburg
Country: Belgium
Organizer: UHasselt Data Sciences Institute and Center for Environmental Sciences
Target audience: Life Science Researchers
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log