Nanosafety Training School
Towards Safe and Sustainable by Design Advanced (Nano)Materials
Date: 15 - 20 May 2022
Timezone: Amsterdam
The School aims to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics from key experts to the new generation of professionals working in the areas of safety and sustainability of advanced (nano)materials. To this end, the School will deliver keynote lectures and will engage the participants in interprofessional training by means of roleplay and hands-on training exercises. The programme will balance experimental and modelling approaches in each of the School topics listed below.
Reflections: From 15–20 May 2022, around 120 scientists from the European Nanosafety Cluster (NSC) represented by 15 projects met in Venice to offer the annual Nanosafety Training School – this year, as a hybrid event and under the subtitle “Towards Safe and Sustainable by Design Advanced (Nano)Materials”. With around 70 participants gathering on-site (plus 49 who joined online), 22 interactive educational sessions were performed covering the whole variety of current nanosafety research: The overarching motto of the training school was “Transition from Safe-by-Design to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design of advanced (nano)materials”, as we currently have arrived at the breaking point were the knowledge on genuine nanomaterials that has been achieved during the past two decades within the nanosciences community is now infiltrating emerging research fields beyond (advanced materials, nanomedicine, microplastics, sustainable chemistry, etc.). In line with the above-mentioned motto, the subjects “What they (nanoparticles) are”, “Where they go” and “What they do” were investigated from different perspectives, including also the views of important stakeholders such as industry, regulators and society. These guiding questions are derived from the GRACIOUS framework for grouping of nanomaterials and include topics such as similarity assessment (grouping) and read-across approaches, but also extend to risk assessment and management as well as risk governance or FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data management and data quality assessment. The topics were presented by 50 renowned researchers from the nanosafety community of Europe and the US in an interactive manner.
Contact: ● Danail Hristozov, GreenDecision (IT) | ● Stefania Melandri, Warrant Hub (IT) | ● Paola Basso, GreenDecision (IT) | ● Cathrin Cailliau, Yordas Group (DE) | ● Martin Himly, PLUS, (AT); Chair of EU NSC WG-A | ● Susanne Resch, BNN (AT) | ● Beatriz Alfaro, BNN (AT) |
Keywords: nanosafety assessment, data FAIRness, metadata completeness, nanorisk governance, nanotoxicology
Venue: Santa Margherita, 3689, Dorsoduro
City: Campo Santa Margherita, Venezia
Region: Città Metropolitana di Venezia
Country: Italy
Organizer: Martin Himly, PLUS, Chair of EU NanoSafety Cluster WG-A
Target audience: early-career researchers
Capacity: 150
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Sponsors: NanoCommons
External resources:Activity log