Date: 20 - 24 June 2022

Timezone: Bucharest

NanoCommons, in collaboration with the EU NanoSafety Cluster projects, organises the “Nano-week” and NanoCommons Final Conference, in Limassol, Cyprus.

The theme of the conference is “Evolution of Nanosafety and materials sustainability as we transition into Horizon Europe”.

The conference and associated events (e.g., Young NanoSafety Researchers event, Training events, EU-US CoRs meeting, NanoInChi meeting, NSC meeting) will take place between 20 – 24 June 2022.

Key dates

12th Jan 2022: Call for abstracts opens
25th February 2022:  Closing date for abstracts for ORAL PRESENTATIONS
31st May 2022: Deadline for POSTER abstract submission

For any queries mail us at

Keywords: nanosafety assessment, data FAIRness, metadata completeness, regulatory affairs, nanorisk governance, nanoinformatics, Computational modelling

Venue: Crown Plaza

City: Limassol

Country: cyprus

Organizer: Martin Himly, PLUS, Chair of EU NanoSafety Cluster WG-A

Target audience: mixed audience

Capacity: 300

Event types:

  • Meetings and conferences
  • Workshops and courses
  • Awards and prizegivings
  • Receptions and networking

Sponsors: nanocommons

External resources:

Activity log