NBIS Course: R programming for Life Scientists
Date: 11 - 16 November 2019
#training #url: https://nbisweden.github.io/workshop-r-1911/ 2019-11-11 - 2019-11-15, Course | Uppsala R programming foundations for Life Science Links: Course: https://nbisweden.github.io/workshop-r-1911/ Registration form: https://squery.typeform.com/to/XMwVk1 The course covers fundamental concepts of programming and software design focusing on programming in R. We will go through various aspects of R scripting emphasizing the parts useful for life scientists. After introductory lectures on good programming practices, basic software design theory and a brief overview of R, we will delve into programming. We will give you tools to access help and information on R-related challenges and issues, spend some time learning how to install external packages, how to find bugs and address common installation issues. The course will be given by experienced computational biologists from SciLifeLab and Uppsala University. Important dates: application deadline -- October 20, acceptance notification — October 25. contact: education@nbis.se
Contact: jessica.lindvall@scilifelab.se
Keywords: #training, training
City: Uppsala
Country: Sweden
Activity log