Nordic ELIXIR-GOBLET Train-the-Trainer
Nordic ELIXIR-GOBLET Train-the-Trainer
Date: 10 - 13 May 2022
Timezone: Central European Summer Time
This course offers guidance, ideas and tips for designing training/teaching, development and delivery on training activities, all based on research-driven educational principles. This course will cover 4 main topics:
- Learning principles and how they apply to training and teaching
- Design and plan session, course, materials
- Teaching techniques to enhance learner engagement and participation
- Assessment and feedback in training and teaching
Note! The course is highly interactive and hence it is important that you, as a participant, actively contribute to all sessions and elements of the course
This course will be delivered through Canvas learning management system.
Register at:
Deadline for applying to the course is 3rd of April. You will receive notification regarding acceptance to the course or if you are on the reserve list no later than one week after the closing of the registration.
Course fee
There is no course attendance fee.
Note! If you are accepted and decide not to attend without communicating the reason for the no-show with us, we will invoice a no-show-fee of 200 Euros.
The invoicing information needs to be included in the registration in order to guarantee your spot in the training event, if you are to be accepted. By giving the invoice information you hereby confirm that the group leader/PI/manager has given a consent regarding your possible participation in the Training event. NOTE – Uppsala University cannot invoice individuals.
Course content
Learning Objectives:
- To get acquainted with Learning principles and how they apply to training
- To be able to select and use training techniques that can help enhance learner engagement and participation
- To learn how to use assessment and feedback in training
- To learn about session, course, and materials design
Learning Outcome:
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- Name learning principles that a good teacher/instructor should have in mind
- Describe at least three training techniques, drawing on learning principles
- Design a training session and a course
- Develop assessment questionnaires
- Enumerate types of materials needed for each part of a training session or course
Target audience
Whoever is interested in becoming a trainer/instructor, or improving your training skills. If you have questions like the following ones, this course may be very helpful to you.
- How learning works?
- How do I use learning principles and theories to improve my teaching/training?
- How do I make my teaching/training more engaging and effective?
- How should I adjust my teaching/training to different types of learners?
- How do I ensure learning progress?
- How can I assess whether my students are actually understanding my lessons? Are they actually learning?
- What is the best balance between theory and practice?
- How can I best assess whether learning is occurring and/or has occurred?
- What works in a classroom and what doesn’t?
Selection criteria
We will accept a maximum of 20 participants. Priority will be given to applicants from institutes and organisations across the Nordic research community and to participants from Nordic ELIXIR nodes.
Course Team
- Jessica Lindvall (ELIXIR-SE Training Coordinator, NBIS, Sweden
- Nina Norgren (ELIXIR-SE, Training Coordinator, NBIS, Sweden)
- Nazeefa Fatima (ELIXIR-NO, Data Steward, UiO, Norway)
- Erik Hjerde (ELIXIR-NO, Training Coordinator, UiT, Norway)
- Priit Adler (ELIXIR-EE, Trainer, UT, Estonia)
- Allegra Via (ELIXIR-IT, Training Coordinator, IBPM-CNR, IT)
- Patricia Palagi (ELIXIR-CH, Training coordinator, SIB)
Contact: For queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Keywords: Teaching, Online learning, Train the trainer, training, Training technique, Education, GOBLET, ELIXIR Training Platform, Trainer skills, Train trainer, Curriculum development, course design, learning outcomes, Bloom's Taxonomy, assessment, course evaluation, training trainers, training material
- Registration of interest
Target audience: Training instructors, Training Designers, Trainers, PhD Scholars, Graduates and Post Graduates, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Bio instruments Professionals, Bio-informatics Professionals, Directors, CEO’s of Organizations, Supply Chain companies, Manufacturing Companies, Software development companies, Research Institutes and members, Educators
Capacity: 20
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log