Date: 16 November 2018 @ 10:00 - 22:00

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Workshop will concentrate on using the dinucleotide conformers (NtC) as a tool
enabling more reliable solution of crystal and cryo-EM structures of nucleic acids. The current
version of the web server as well as the development version introducing a
universal (for both DNA and RNA) set of NtC classes will be demonstrated.

We will show prototype of the procedure(s) to fit our library of the dinucleotide
conformers to electron density, as well as method of building NA models with the user
specified NtC sequence, and morphing between two NA structures. All that by using
MacroMoleculeBuilder (MMB) by Samuel Flores. Sam will be present to show these new

Importantly, we also work with Paul Emsley on new Coot features. We currently
concentrate on initial model building by fitting into experimental electron density and validation
using the NtC. Paul is unavailable for the meeting but we shall be able to present and discuss
all new and planned Coot features concentrating on the synergy between different tools.
Your presence would be extremely important to be able to look at the initial model
building and validation from user's perspective and suggest improvements of an early phase
of building a truly useful tool. It will be great if you bring your own problem to test the
emerging system.

We will try to cover two nights (Nov 15-16 and 16-17) in a hotel including breakfast
( ). There is also no registration fee for the workshop thanks to the support
provided by the ELIXIR-CZ.

For more details contact Jiří Černý ( ), ideally till November 7.

Venue: V Sadech 1/1, 1, V Sadech

City: Prague

Region: Hlavní město Praha

Country: Czechia

Postcode: 16000

Organizer: Biocev


  • Registration of interest

Event types:

  • Meetings and conferences
  • Workshops and courses

Scientific topics: Structural biology, Nucleic acids, Nucleic acid structure analysis

Activity log