Research Data Management in Life Sciences
Date: 9 - 10 November 2020
Upon completion of this course, participants should have an understanding of what Research Data Management is, and why it is important in academic research. They should have an understanding of the FAIR data principles, and how they can make data more FAIR. They should be able to successfully manage all types of research data and to document both the research itself, as well as the data in a comprehensive way.
Keywords: publish and share data, create preservation documentation, Migrate data to best media, Migrate data to best format, create user documentation, Establish copyright, cite data sources, manage and store data, describe and document data, capture data with metadata, explore existing data resources, plan consent for sharing, plan data management, design research
Organizer: VIB Bioinformatics Core
- Reproducible data analysis with RStudio, github and Rmarkdown
- Data security and encryption
- Valorisation and intellectual properties in research data management
- Preserve, publish and share your data
- Reusing existing data
- FAIRify your data: data documentation and metadata
- Organising your data: structure and versioning
- Data Management Plans
- Privacy and GDPR in the research life cycle
- Research Data Management: Trends and requirements
- Introduction to Research Data Management and the data life cycle
- Research Data Management in Life Sciences
Activity log