Date: 1 - 2 December 2018

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R programing is one of the most comprehensive tool used for data analysis by life scientists. It is a framework to use hundreds of free academic data analysis tools.
While anyone can learn is and use it, learning it from experienced users is of great advantage.We are organizing the First Hungarian Software Carpentry Course as a full week-end, two days, hands-on intro into R programming for novices.
The Course is part of a longer series of bioinformatic training events that covers various topics from very basics of bioinformatics and GUI based tools to unix based programs and R programming.
The Course is part of a longer series of bioinformatic training events that covers various topics from very basics off bioinformatics and GUI based tools to unix based programms and R programming. 
The course is free but registration is mandatory.
The language of the course is English. This will be a two days, hands on computer course. Zero prior bioinformatic knowledge is needed. 
We encourage life science researchers from any field who are dealing with larger datasets and would like to immerse into Data Handling and R programming. 
We encourage you to bring your own laptop in order to use your most friendly environment. If you need a laptop to be provided, please contact the local organizer (balintblaszlo at gmail dot com).
Venue: This is a seminar room of the Medical Faculty located in the Dean's Office Building Shared with the International Student Coordination Center. The place can be easily accessed by Tram no 1, "Egyetem tér" station.  The second building on the left of the university church. 
GPS coordinates: 47°33'16.3"N 21°37'26.4"E, alternative format: 47.554517, 21.624006
We plan to provide coffee and refreshments including a sandwich lunch. 

By the end of the course attendees should understand best practices of Data Handling and have a basic knowledge in using R for data analysis and data visualization.

Before registering please complete the preregistering survey here.
Further details about the workshop on the Github here.
We can not provide you lodging but if needed use for your convenience. 

Venue: OEC ERASMUS Office

City: Debrecen

Country: Hungary

Postcode: 4032

Organizer: ELIXIR Hungary

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log