Total NanoSafe Hybrid Conference - From Molecules to Public Health
Date: 11 - 12 November 2021
Timezone: Western European Time
Total NanoSafe Hybrid Conference – From Molecules to Public Health, Nov 11 & 12, 2021 at the International Nanotechnology Laboratories in Braga, Portugal.
The ‘Total-Nanosafe’ Hybrid Conference is bringing experts in different fields related to the use of nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and environment.
Submit Your Abstract: The deadline for submitting your abstract to the event TOTAL - NANOSAFE: From Molecules to Public Health is approaching! You have until October 26th to send it to us and take an active part in this International Conference. Show us your work in nanomaterials, nanotechnology and how these are related to different aspects of safety, regarding health and the environment, specifically in these topics:
Nanomaterials Toxicity
Cells and Organs on Chip
Cheminformatics and in Silico Tools
List of speakers:
Day One (November 11th)
Keynote talk: Flemming Cassee
Session 1: Toxicological assessment of Nanomaterials
Martin Himly
Peter Hoet
Hanna Karlsson
Vania Vilas-Boas
Keynote talk: Peter Loskill
Session 2: Complex cell culture and organ-on-chip
Arno Gutleb
Nina Hobi or Janick Stucki
Lorena Dieguez
Liliana Teixeira
Ana Ribeiro
Day Two (November 12th)
Keynote Speaker: Jose Luís Medina Franco
Session 3: Cheminformatics and in silico tools
Andrey Toropov
Timothy E H Allen
Eli Fernández de Gortari
Session 4: From molecules to public health
Begoña Espiña
Basak Engin
Manosij Ghosh
Pauliina Damdimopoulou
Tim Nawrot
Nivedita Chatterjee
Keywords: nanosafety assessment, data FAIRness, advanced cellular models, in silico prediction, protein corona formation, adverse outcome pathway, molecular initiating events
Venue: International Nanotechnology Laboratories - INL
City: Braga
Country: Portugal
Host institutions: INL
Target audience: Life Science Researchers
Capacity: 300
Event types:
- Meetings and conferences
Sponsors: NanoCommons
External resources:Activity log