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Content provider
- iAnn6
- Software Carpentry1
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- SoftwareCarpentry
- bioinformatics104
- ABR65
- Bioinformatics57
- Galaxy48
- RNA-Seq18
- lifescience18
- life sciences10
- metagenomics10
- R-programming9
- Nextflow8
- Snakemake8
- ComputationalBiology5
- HPC5
- Workflows5
- Unix4
- genome browsing4
- Containers3
- Datamanipulation3
- Genomics3
- Programming3
- Variant calling3
- data management3
- genomics3
- linux3
- python3
- Australia2
- BPA2
- Bioconductor2
- Cloud computing2
- Data analysis2
- Docker2
- Genetic Variation2
- High performance computing2
- Matlab2
- Metagenomics2
- Microbiology2
- Microbiome2
- Python2
- R2
- RNA-Seq2
- genome annotation2
- genome curation2
- phylogenetics2
- Annotation1
- Data sharing1
- Linux1
- Statistics1
- Apollo1
- Biological databases1
- Bioplatforms Australia1
- CWL1
- Cancer1
- Clinical Bioinformatics1
- ClinicalMicrobiology1
- Coding1
- Command line1
- Computational biology1
- Compute1
- Computer Programming1
- Conservation genomics1
- Data skills1
- Databases1
- Datavisualisation1
- Deep learning1
- Differential Expression1
- Distributed data analysis1
- Epigenomics1
- Gene Expression1
- Genome Assembly1
- Genome Sequencing1
- Genomic sequences1
- Git1
- Human genomics1
- Hybrid genome assembly1
- Infectious diseases1
- InfectiousDiseases1
- Inferential statistics1
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Course1
- Metabarcoding1
- Metabolomics1
- MolecularInteractions1
- Next Generation Sequencing technologies1
- Phosphoproteomics1
- Phosphorylation1
- Plants1
- Proteomics1
- Qiime21
- Quality Assurance1
- Shell script1
- Single Cell Sequencing1
- Software engineering1
- Statistics1
- Systems biology1
- Threatened Species1
- Threatened Species Initiative1
- Tools1
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Scientific topic
- Algorithms4
- Bioinformatics4
- Cloud computing4
- Computer programming4
- Computer science4
- Data structures4
- HPC4
- High performance computing4
- High-performance computing4
- Programming languages4
- Software development4
- Software engineering4
- Data analysis1
- Data architecture1
- Data architecture, analysis and design1
- Data design1
- Data management1
- Data rendering1
- Data visualisation1
- Metadata management1
- Research data management (RDM)1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses8
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