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- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)2
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- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)2
- Proteins (proteins)2
- Systems (systems)2
- Training (Training)2
- ISCBCo-SponsoredorAffiliatedEvent1
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database1
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database 1
- MGnify1
- MGnify 1
- Reactome pathways database1
- Reactome pathways database 1
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- Brazil
- Costa Rica1
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Target audience
- The workshop is aimed at biologists and computer scientists wanting to learn the basics of network analysis and biological data curation for clinically relevant pathogens. Trainees should be undertaking research at postgraduate-level upwards focusing on infectious diseases. No previous experience using interaction data resources is needed. Please note this course will be taught in English, however the trainers are fluent in either Spanish/Portuguese, and can offer language support where feasible. Priority will also be given to those who have not attended a CABANA event yet. Travel fellowships are available for this course - early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for CABANA travel fellowships. You can apply for travel fellowships via the course application form. Up to 30% of workshop delegates can be awarded fellowships and these are normally awarded by reimbursement after the event. Prerequisites Participants will require a basic knowledge of the Unix command line, and the R statistical packages. We recommend these free tutorials: Basic introduction to the Unix environment: www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix Introduction and exercises for Linux: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/free-linux-training Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction 1
- This course is intended for new and experienced managers of bioinformatics core facilities, or other facilities that support their users to analyse and interpret large biomolecular data sets. This course will not provide a platform for teaching hands-on bioinformatics analysis. Prerequisites Please note this course will be taught in English, however some trainers are fluent in either Spanish/Portuguese, and can offer language support where feasible. Priority will also be given to those who have not attended a CABANA event yet. A number of travel fellowships are available for this course - early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for CABANA travel fellowships. You can apply for travel fellowships via the course application form. Due to funding restrictions we are unable to award fellowships to those employed in Chile and Uruguay. 1
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