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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)4
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- CNV analysis
- HDRUK838
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)30
- Ensembl24
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor16
- Ensembl Genomes14
- Proteins (proteins)13
- Open Targets12
- Cross domain (cross-domain)6
- Ensembl 6
- Structures (structures)6
- Expression Atlas5
- Galaxy for metabolomics5
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database5
- MS Imaging5
- Metabolite identification5
- Project management5
- Reactome pathways database5
- Team building5
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource5
- Budgeting4
- CRISPR-Cas94
- Core facility services4
- Data integration4
- InterPro4
- Long-read RNA-seq4
- Principal investigators4
- Protein Data Bank in Europe4
- SNV analysis4
- microscopy4
- Bioinformatics3
- Data management3
- Deep learning3
- European Genome-phenome Archive3
- European Nucleotide Archive3
- European Variation Archive3
- Logic modelling3
- MetaboLights: Metabolomics repository and reference database3
- Multi-Omics Factor Analysis3
- Network inference3
- Protein Data Bank in Europe - Knowledge Base3
- protein function3
- toxicogenomics3
- Statistics2
- ATAC-seq2
- AlphaFold Database2
- BioModels database2
- ChIP-Seq2
- Complex Portal2
- Complex Portal 2
- Cytoscape2
- Data analysis2
- Data carpentry2
- Data exploration2
- Diagnosis2
- Electron Microscopy Data Bank2
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor 2
- Galaxy2
- Gene expression (gene-expression)2
- Genomics2
- HMMER - protein homology search2
- HMMER - protein homology search 2
- Human ecosystems2
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database 2
- InterPro 2
- Long reads2
- Metabolights2
- Metabolomics2
- NGS2
- Next-generation sequencing2
- OtherEvents2
- PDBeFold2
- PDBeFold 2
- Pfam2
- Pfam 2
- Protein classification2
- Protein sequence2
- Protein structure2
- Proteomics2
- Python2
- Reactome pathways database 2
- SoftwareCarpentry2
- Transcriptomics2
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource 2
- User experience2
- Visual analytics2
- analysis pipeline2
- bioinformatics2
- de-novo genome assembly2
- environmental readouts2
- ethics2
- genes and environment interactions2
- genome graph2
- human phenotypes2
- immunology2
- networks and pathways2
- next-generation sequencing2
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Scientific topic
- Cancer3
- Cancer biology3
- Chromosome walking3
- Clone verification3
- DNA-Seq3
- DNase-Seq3
- Exomes3
- Genome annotation3
- Genomes3
- Genomics3
- High throughput sequencing3
- High-throughput sequencing3
- NGS3
- NGS data analysis3
- Neoplasm3
- Neoplasms3
- Next gen sequencing3
- Next generation sequencing3
- Oncology3
- Panels3
- Personal genomics3
- Primer walking3
- Sanger sequencing3
- Sequencing3
- Synthetic genomics3
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels3
- Viral genomics3
- Whole genomes3
- Allele calling1
- CNV deletion1
- CNV duplication1
- CNV insertion / amplification1
- Complex CNV1
- Copy number variant1
- Copy number variation1
- Exome variant detection1
- Genome variant detection1
- Germ line variant calling1
- Mutation detection1
- SNP calling1
- SNP detection1
- SNP discovery1
- Single nucleotide polymorphism detection1
- Somatic variant calling1
- Variant calling1
- Variant mapping1
- de novo mutation detection1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses4
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- United Kingdom
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