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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics1
- Drug design1
- Medicinal chemistry1
- Metagenomics1
- Protein interaction map1
- Protein interaction networks1
- Protein interactions1
- Protein interactome1
- Protein-DNA interaction1
- Protein-DNA interactions1
- Protein-RNA interaction1
- Protein-RNA interactions1
- Protein-ligand interactions1
- Protein-nucleic acid interactions1
- Protein-protein interactions1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
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- Workshops and courses3
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- University of Arkansas Rome Center: Palazzo Taverna, Via di Monte Giordano, 36 - 00186 Rome Italy.1
- 1) Workshop: University of Bari Aldo Moro, 1, Piazza Umberto I; 2) Summer School: Una Hotel Regina, Strada Provinciale, 57, 70016 Noicattaro, BA 1
- Campus di Biologia e Biomedicina “Fiore di Botta”, University of Padova, Via del Pescarotto, 81
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- Italy3
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