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- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)1
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- R-programming
- ABR26
- EeLP11
- eLearning11
- life sciences8
- SoftwareCarpentry7
- training7
- Computer science6
- Python6
- Bioinformatics5
- Git5
- Containers3
- Docker3
- Programming3
- Software Carpentry3
- ComputationalBiology2
- HPC2
- Reproducibility2
- Shell2
- Unix2
- computer-science2
- high-performance computing2
- Linux1
- AAI1
- Artificial Intelligence1
- Authentication1
- Biological databases1
- Cell-level simulations1
- Cloud computing1
- Command line1
- Computational Biology1
- Computer Programming1
- Container1
- Data Visualization1
- Data carpentry1
- Data handling1
- Data protection1
- Data security1
- Evolutinary genomics1
- GPU1
- Genomics1
- IAM1
- Imaging1
- Matlab1
- Plotting data1
- Population Genomics1
- Python for Biologists1
- R Studio1
- Sequence Analysis1
- Statistics1
- Systems biology1
- Transcriptomics1
- Unix Shell1
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- Workflows1
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- bioinformatics1
- biomedical applications1
- carpentry1
- clinical genomics1
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- digital archives1
- dynamic simulations1
- genomics1
- linked data1
- machine learning1
- mutational landscapes1
- python1
- supercomputer1
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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics8
- Cloud computing4
- Computer science4
- High performance computing4
- High-performance computing4
- Bayesian methods3
- Biostatistics3
- Descriptive statistics3
- Gaussian processes3
- Inferential statistics3
- Markov processes3
- Multivariate statistics3
- Probabilistic graphical model3
- Probability3
- Statistics3
- Statistics and probability3
- Data management2
- Data rendering2
- Data visualisation2
- Metadata management2
- Research data management (RDM)2
- Active learning1
- Biomathematics1
- Computational biology1
- Data clean-up1
- Data cleaning1
- Data integrity1
- Data quality1
- Data quality management1
- Ensembl learning1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- Machine learning1
- Mathematical biology1
- MicroRNA sequencing1
- Neural networks1
- RNA sequencing1
- RNA-Seq1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Small RNA sequencing1
- Small RNA-Seq1
- Small-Seq1
- Supervised learning1
- Theoretical biology1
- Transcriptome profiling1
- Unsupervised learning1
- Whole transcriptome shotgun sequencing1
- miRNA-seq1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses4
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- Australia1
- Italy1
- Slovenia1
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Target audience
- Beginners in statistics1
- Bioinformaticians1
- Bioinformaticians and Biologists who want to learn how to manipulate, process data, and make plots using R1
- Biologists1
- Biologists with little or no prior computational experience1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Master students1
- PhD students1
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