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- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)2
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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics29
- Genome annotation10
- Exomes8
- Genomes8
- Genomics8
- Personal genomics8
- Synthetic genomics8
- Viral genomics8
- Whole genomes8
- Protein bioinformatics7
- Protein databases7
- Protein informatics7
- Proteins7
- Allele calling4
- Exome variant detection4
- Genome browser4
- Genome browsing4
- Genome rendering4
- Genome variant detection4
- Genome viewing4
- Genome visualisation4
- Germ line variant calling4
- Mutation detection4
- Protein structure4
- Protein structures4
- Somatic variant calling4
- Variant calling4
- Variant mapping4
- de novo mutation detection4
- Chromosome walking3
- Clone verification3
- DNA variation3
- DNA-Seq3
- DNase-Seq3
- Genetic variation3
- Genetic variation analysis3
- Genetic variation annotation3
- Genome analysis3
- Genome comparison3
- Genomic analysis3
- Genomic region matching3
- Genomic variation3
- High throughput sequencing3
- High-throughput sequencing3
- Mutation3
- NGS3
- NGS data analysis3
- Next gen sequencing3
- Next generation sequencing3
- Panels3
- Polymorphism3
- Primer walking3
- Protein SNP mapping3
- Protein function analysis3
- Protein function prediction3
- Protein mutation modelling3
- Protein stability change prediction3
- Sanger sequencing3
- Sequence variation analysis3
- Sequencing3
- Somatic mutations3
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels3
- Transcript variant analysis3
- Variant analysis3
- Variant effect prediction3
- Variant functional prediction3
- Bibliography2
- Botany2
- Citations2
- Data visualisation2
- Documentation2
- Ensembl ID2
- Ensembl IDs2
- Enzymes2
- Enzymology2
- Exometabolomics2
- Functional genome annotation2
- GWAS analysis2
- GWAS study2
- Gene annotation format2
- Gene features format2
- Genes2
- Genetics2
- Genome map2
- Genome-wide association study2
- Heredity2
- LC-MS-based metabolomics2
- Language2
- Literature2
- Literature and language2
- MS-based metabolomics2
- MS-based targeted metabolomics2
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics2
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics2
- Metabolites2
- Metabolome2
- Metabolomics2
- Metabonomics2
- Metagenome annotation2
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Event type
- Workshops and courses2
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- United Kingdom2
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