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- INB: Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute1
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- EeLP20
- eLearning20
- DMP13
- training11
- metadata10
- data management9
- data publication9
- life sciences9
- storage8
- data protection7
- Computer science6
- Data management plan6
- Genomics6
- bioinformatics6
- R-programming5
- Bioinformatics5
- Compliance5
- Identifiers5
- NeLS5
- TSD5
- data life cycle - analyse5
- data life cycle - plan5
- data life cycle - preserve5
- data life cycle - process5
- data life cycle - share5
- genomics5
- DMP tools4
- FAIR principles4
- Git4
- RDM4
- data FAIRness4
- data life cycle - collect4
- data life cycle - reuse4
- data management plan4
- sensitive4
- tools4
- Assembly3
- DMP evaluation3
- DMP templates3
- Data analysis3
- Training3
- Unix/Linux3
- competency3
- data organisation3
- e-learning3
- evaluation3
- on-line3
- research data management3
- template3
- ATAC-seq2
- Artificial Intelligence2
- ChIP-Seq2
- Command line2
- Data management planning2
- Data storage2
- FAIR data2
- Precision Medicine2
- Python2
- Shell2
- Shell script2
- Software Carpentry2
- Software skills2
- SoftwareCarpentry2
- Unix Shell2
- assembly2
- biomedical applications2
- data quality2
- data stewardship2
- high-performance computing2
- licensing2
- machine learning2
- spreadsheet2
- DSW1
- RNA-Seq1
- AI1
- Applications1
- Big Data1
- Bioconductor1
- Biomarker Conference1
- Biomarker Conference 20171
- Biomarkers Conference 20171
- Biomarkers Conferences1
- Biomarkers Conferences USA1
- Biomarkers Congress USA1
- Biopharmaceuticals1
- Chemical biology1
- Clinical Bioinformatics1
- ClinicalPharmacology1
- Computational Biology1
- ComputationalBiology1
- Data carpentry1
- Data handling1
- Data managment plan1
- Data publishing1
- Data skills1
- Data transfer1
- Data visualization1
- Ethics1
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Scientific topic
- Active learning1
- Bioinformatics1
- Biological modelling1
- Biological sequences1
- Biological system modelling1
- Biomathematics1
- Biomedical science1
- Biomedical sciences1
- Cloud computing1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- Computational biology1
- Computer science1
- Diffraction experiment1
- Ensembl learning1
- Evolution1
- Evolutionary biology1
- HPC1
- Health science1
- High performance computing1
- High-performance computing1
- Imaging1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- Machine learning1
- Mathematical biology1
- Microscopy1
- Microscopy imaging1
- Neural networks1
- Omics1
- Optical super resolution microscopy1
- Photonic force microscopy1
- Photonic microscopy1
- Population genomics1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Supervised learning1
- Systems biology1
- Systems modelling1
- Theoretical biology1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
- Unsupervised learning1
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Event type
- Meetings and conferences1
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- Spain1
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Target audience
- Researchers
- Academics1
- Computational biologists1
- Computer science1
- Industry1
- Life Science Researchers1
- PhD1
- PhD students1
- PhD students, postDoc and PIs in Life Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics with little or no knowledge of network biology tools, who are interested in learning how to apply such tools in their research.1
- Postdoctoral students1
- bioinformaticians1
- data librarians1
- data managers1
- life science industry1
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