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- bioinformatics
- R/Bioconductor3
- Variant-calling1
- Data Integration1
- Data Representation1
- Genome1
- Genomic data1
- Nextprot data model1
- Open Data 1
- Proteins1
- RDF data1
- Reproducibility1
- ReproducibleResearch1
- Semantic Web technologies1
- Sequence Analysis1
- Sparql queries1
- Sparql syntax1
- Visualization1
- Workflows1
- Workshop1
- introduction1
- public knowledge bases1
- scRNA-seq1
- workflows1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses1
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Target audience
- Beginners who have very little background in using the command line and are enthusiastic to learn more1
- Intermediate1
- This workshop is aimed at researchers who are either generating or integrating molecular interaction data in their research. This could be protein-protein interaction as well as protein-RNA1
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