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Content provider
- INB: Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute1
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- genomics
- data FAIRness8
- metadata completeness6
- nanosafety assessment5
- nanoinformatics4
- life sciences3
- nanosafety3
- nanotoxicology3
- toxicology3
- linked data2
- Accessible1
- Computational modelling1
- Findable1
- Interoperable1
- Knowledge Readiness Levels1
- NanoCommons Knowledge Base1
- Ontologies1
- SNORQL user interface1
- SSbD1
- Variant calling1
- Variant discovery1
- adverse outcome pathway1
- data quality1
- disease variant1
- grouping of NM1
- nanoforms1
- nanorisk governance1
- priorization1
- regulatory affairs1
- resource description framework1
- reusabe1
- scientific quality assurance1
- socioeconomic aspects1
- stakeholder views1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses1
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- Spain1
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Target audience
- mixed audience
- PhD students5
- Researchers5
- life scientists5
- Life Science Researchers2
- GATK experts1
- GATK newbies1
- GATK users1
- Master students1
- Post Docs1
- Postgraduate students1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- evolutionary biologists who already have bioinformatics skills. PhD students and Post-Doc researchers will benefit the most out of this course, but applications from all candidates will be evaluated in their context1
- variant discovery newbies1
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