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- Bioinformatics
- EeLP20
- eLearning20
- DMP13
- training11
- metadata10
- data management9
- data publication9
- life sciences9
- storage8
- data protection7
- Computer science6
- Data management plan6
- Genomics6
- bioinformatics6
- R-programming5
- Compliance5
- Identifiers5
- NeLS5
- TSD5
- data life cycle - analyse5
- data life cycle - plan5
- data life cycle - preserve5
- data life cycle - process5
- data life cycle - share5
- genomics5
- DMP tools4
- FAIR principles4
- Git4
- RDM4
- data FAIRness4
- data life cycle - collect4
- data life cycle - reuse4
- data management plan4
- sensitive4
- tools4
- Assembly3
- DMP evaluation3
- DMP templates3
- Data analysis3
- Training3
- Unix/Linux3
- competency3
- data organisation3
- e-learning3
- evaluation3
- on-line3
- research data management3
- template3
- ATAC-seq2
- Artificial Intelligence2
- ChIP-Seq2
- Command line2
- Data management planning2
- Data storage2
- FAIR data2
- Precision Medicine2
- Python2
- Shell2
- Shell script2
- Software Carpentry2
- Software skills2
- SoftwareCarpentry2
- Unix Shell2
- assembly2
- biomedical applications2
- data quality2
- data stewardship2
- high-performance computing2
- licensing2
- machine learning2
- spreadsheet2
- DSW1
- RNA-Seq1
- AI1
- Applications1
- Big Data1
- Bioconductor1
- Biomarker Conference1
- Biomarker Conference 20171
- Biomarkers Conference 20171
- Biomarkers Conferences1
- Biomarkers Conferences USA1
- Biomarkers Congress USA1
- Biopharmaceuticals1
- Chemical biology1
- Clinical Bioinformatics1
- ClinicalPharmacology1
- Computational Biology1
- ComputationalBiology1
- Data carpentry1
- Data handling1
- Data managment plan1
- Data publishing1
- Data skills1
- Data transfer1
- Data visualization1
- Ethics1
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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics2
- Biomedical science2
- Biomedical sciences2
- Health science2
- Active learning1
- Biological modelling1
- Biological sequences1
- Biological system modelling1
- Biomarkers1
- Biomathematics1
- Cloud computing1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- Computational biology1
- Computer science1
- Diagnostic markers1
- Diffraction experiment1
- Ensembl learning1
- Evolution1
- Evolutionary biology1
- Exomes1
- Genome annotation1
- Genomes1
- Genomics1
- HPC1
- High performance computing1
- High-performance computing1
- Imaging1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- Machine learning1
- Mathematical biology1
- Microscopy1
- Microscopy imaging1
- Neural networks1
- Omics1
- Optical super resolution microscopy1
- Personal genomics1
- Photonic force microscopy1
- Photonic microscopy1
- Population genomics1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Sequence analysis1
- Sequence databases1
- Supervised learning1
- Synthetic genomics1
- Systems biology1
- Systems modelling1
- Theoretical biology1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
- Translational medicine1
- Unsupervised learning1
- Viral genomics1
- Whole genomes1
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Target audience
- Researchers
- Biologists3
- Postdoctoral researchers3
- Postgraduate students3
- bioinformaticians3
- Anyone intersted in GWAS and using the H3Africa genotyping chip2
- PhD students2
- Undergraduate students2
- Bioinformaticians1
- Bussiness Professionals1
- Clinicians1
- Companies 1
- Computational biologists1
- Computer science1
- Developers1
- Experts1
- Life Science Researchers1
- PhD students and young researchers in the life science and computational biology field who are planning to use RNA-seq data and are looking for the best practices to analyze these types of data1
- Postdoctoral students1
- Professors1
- Scientists1
- Structural biologists1
- Students and researchers from life-sciences or biomedical backgrounds1
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- Registration of interest3
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