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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)1
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- Cancer mutation
- CNV analysis3
- CRISPR-Cas93
- Long-read RNA-seq3
- SNV analysis3
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)2
- NGS2
- Agent-based modelling1
- Boolean modelling1
- Cancer1
- Cancer genomics1
- Cross domain (cross-domain)1
- EurOPDX1
- Macrophages1
- Next-generation sequencing1
- Somatic mutation1
- Tumorigenesis1
- Xenograft models1
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Scientific topic
- Cancer
- Protein bioinformatics6
- Protein databases6
- Protein informatics6
- Proteins6
- Data visualisation2
- Enzymes2
- Enzymology2
- Genome analysis2
- Genomic analysis2
- Molecular visualisation2
- Plotting2
- Protein function analysis2
- Protein function prediction2
- Rendering2
- Visualisation2
- 2D PAGE experiment1
- BLAST results1
- Bibliography1
- Bioinformatics1
- Biological pathway analysis1
- Biological pathway modelling1
- Biological pathway prediction1
- Biological processes1
- Biological sequences1
- Cancer biology1
- Citations1
- DIA1
- Data archival1
- Data archiving1
- Data clean-up1
- Data cleaning1
- Data curation1
- Data curation and archival1
- Data integrity1
- Data preservation1
- Data quality1
- Data quality management1
- Data-independent acquisition1
- Database curation1
- Database hits (sequence)1
- Database search1
- Documentation1
- Drug discovery1
- Exometabolomics1
- Function analysis1
- Functional RNA1
- Functional analysis1
- Functional genome annotation1
- Functional pathway analysis1
- Functional, regulatory and non-coding RNA1
- GWAS analysis1
- GWAS study1
- Genome annotation1
- Genome-wide association study1
- LC-MS-based metabolomics1
- Language1
- Literature1
- Literature and language1
- Long ncRNA1
- Long non-coding RNA1
- MS1
- MS experiments1
- MS-based metabolomics1
- MS-based targeted metabolomics1
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics1
- Mass spectrometry1
- Mass spectrometry experiments1
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics1
- Metabolites1
- Metabolome1
- Metabolomics1
- Metabonomics1
- Metagenome annotation1
- MicroRNA sequencing1
- Molecular biology1
- Mutation identifier1
- NMR-based metabolomics1
- Neoplasm1
- Neoplasms1
- Network1
- Non-coding RNA1
- Northern blot experiment1
- Oncology1
- Pathway1
- Pathway analysis1
- Pathway comparison1
- Pathway modelling1
- Pathway or network1
- Pathway prediction1
- Pathway simulation1
- Protein functional analysis1
- Protein structure1
- Protein structures1
- Proteomics experiment1
- RNA1
- RNA sequencing1
- RNA-Seq1
- RNA-Seq analysis1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses1
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Target audience
- Plant research1
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