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Content provider
- Data Carpentry1
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- Data analysis
- DNA-seq2
- NGS2
- NGS bioinformatics2
- Variant calling2
- bioinformatics2
- R-programming1
- Bisulfite-Seq1
- CWL1
- Command line1
- DNA Methylation1
- Data carpentry1
- De Novo1
- Epigenetics1
- Machine Learning, Introductory, Novice / Entry-level, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Principal Component Analysis, K-means, Hierarchical Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Regression1
- Nextflow1
- Snakemake1
- SoftwareCarpentry1
- Unix Shell1
- WES1
- WESkit1
- Workflows1
- biostatistics1
- data1
- de-novo genome assembly1
- entrepeneurship1
- life sciences1
- machine learning1
- nf-core1
- omics data1
- python1
- workflUX1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses1
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- United Kingdom1
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Target audience
- post-docs
- Plant research29
- PhD students4
- Beginner3
- PhD candidate3
- Researchers3
- Biologists2
- Biotechnology Companies1
- Business Entrepreneurs1
- Graduate Students1
- Graduate students1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Master students1
- PhD students and young researchers in the life science and computational biology field who are planning to use RNA-seq data and are looking for the best practices to analyze these types of data1
- Pharmaceutical Industry1
- Research presentation1
- Scientists1
- postdocs1
- postdoctoral researchers1
- postgrad1
- principle investigators1
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