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- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)3
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- Erasmus MC Rotterdam
- Craik-Marshall Building504
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)134
- University of Cambridge68
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Training Room 137
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Training Room 233
- Alison Barker20
- Frank O’Donnell18
- Johanna Langrish17
- Holly Foster16
- Virtual16
- National Center for High-performance Computing, Hsinchu Headquarters5
- Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute4
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Kendrew Lecture Theatre4
- LANGEBIO, Cinvestav4
- Università di Pavia4
- Yvonne Thornton4
- Conrad Hotel, Seoul, South Korea3
- Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) - German Cancer Research Centre (GCRC)3
- National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA)3
- Rebecca Greenhaff3
- Sunway University3
- The Genome Analysis Centre3
- Universidad de los Andes - UniAndes3
- University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust3
- University of Nottingham3
- Virtual format3
- Archives for Next Generation Sequence Data at the EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- Bringing Structure to Biology - Protein Structures and Tools from the EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- Centre for Genomic Regulation2
- Dave Judge2
- Ensembl Browser Workshop - Edinburgh Sept 20132
- Ensembl Browser Workshop - Sanquin Blood Supply - Amsterdam2
- Ensembl Browser Workshop - St. Louis Oct 20132
- Ensembl Browser Workshop - University of Edinburgh2
- Ensembl Webinar2
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Wellcome Trust Conference Centre2
- Faculty of Natural Sciences - University of Buenos Aires (FCEN-UBA)2
- Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur2
- Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)2
- Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing (Cambridge, UK)2
- Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)2
- Maria Bacadare Goitia2
- Metabolomics Data and Tools from the EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- Molecular Interaction Data and Tools from the EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR)2
- Protein Databases and Tools from EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- Stanford University2
- The Bioinformatics Roadshow - Maine, USA2
- The Francis Crick Institute2
- Town and Country Hotel2
- Transcriptomics Data and Tools from the EBI - Cambridge University, UK2
- UC Denver2
- Universidad Andrés Bello2
- University of California, Davis2
- University of California, San Diego2
- University of Costa Rica (UCR)2
- University of Glasgow2
- University of Malta2
- University of Montpellier2
- University of Putra Malaysia2
- Vale Institute of Technology (ITV)2
- 1000 Genomes and browsing Ensembl1
- 1st transPLANT user training workshop1
- A walk through genes and proteins with EMBL-EBI databases and tools - BIOS in Manizales1
- A walk through genes and proteins with EMBL-EBI databases and tools - Universidad de los Andes1
- ADDA (Auditorio de la Diputación de Alicante)1
- Accessing Epigenomes with Ensembl1
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University1
- American Society of Human Genetics 2012 Annual Meeting (ASHG 2012)1
- Anglia Ruskin University1
- Austrian Institute of Technology1
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center1
- Bella Center1
- Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica1
- Bioinformatics Workshop: Archives for Next Generation Sequence Data with the EBI - Cambridge, UK1
- Bioinformatics Workshop: Metabolomics Databases and Tools with the EBI - Cambridge, UK1
- Bioinformatics Workshop: Small molecule resources with EMBL-EBI - Cambridge, UK1
- Bioinformatics for Geneticists (Ensembl module) - London Jun 20131
- Bioinformatics for Nutritionists (London, UK)1
- Bioinformatics workshop: Introduction to sequence searching with EMBL-EBI - Cambridge, UK1
- Bioinformatics: Introduction to UniProt and InterPro - Cambridge, UK1
- Bioinformatics: Molecular Interaction Databases, Reactions and Pathways - Cambridge, UK1
- Biology Institute (ICB), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais1
- Black Forest Summer School 2013 (Ensembl module) - Herzogenhorn Sep 20131
- Browsing Livestock Genomes with Ensembl - Norwich Jun 20131
- Browsing Plant and Pathogen Genomes with Ensembl Genomes - Norwich Jun 20131
- CSC- IT Centre for Science1
- Cathy Hemmings1
- Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR)1
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas1
- Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas (CICVyA)1
- Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou – Fundação Oswaldo Cruz1
- Computational & Comparative Genomics (Ensembl module) - Cold Spring Harbor Nov 20131
- Computational challenges and performance optimizations in NGS data analyses - London, UK1
- Czech Centre for Phenogenomics, Institute of Molecular Genetics1
- Danhostel Ishøj1
- Department of Computing Science, University of Umea1
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- Netherlands3
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