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- HDRUK1332
- training357
- ISCB148
- bioinformatics137
- Proteins (proteins)123
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)121
- OtherEvents118
- programming110
- genes and genomes107
- Ensembl89
- next generation sequencing89
- biostatistics83
- data management81
- Bioinformatics78
- data visualisation78
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource77
- experimental biology74
- reproducibility71
- ABR70
- Galaxy69
- functional genomics69
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group62
- transcriptomics60
- Ensembl Genomes56
- mark ibberson group56
- API55
- rémy bruggmann group54
- Cross domain (cross-domain)53
- Gene expression (gene-expression)51
- Protein Data Bank in Europe51
- Europe PubMed Central49
- FAIR47
- Programmatic access47
- raphael gottardo group46
- Data analysis45
- InterPro45
- Literature (literature)45
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database44
- Python44
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor43
- Expression Atlas43
- medicine and health43
- AlphaFold Database42
- HPC42
- Data integration41
- Molecular building blocks of life39
- biochemistry39
- biomarkers39
- European Nucleotide Archive38
- European Variation Archive38
- MetaboLights: Metabolomics repository and reference database38
- Open access38
- Plant webinar series38
- Training (Training)38
- high-performance computing38
- Complex Portal37
- Chemical biology (chemical-biology)36
- Spatial transcriptomics36
- environmental science36
- introduction36
- workflows36
- BioModels database35
- Data management35
- FAIR principles35
- NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog35
- Open Targets35
- Protein Data Bank in Europe - Knowledge Base35
- population genomics35
- single-cell biology35
- AI34
- ChEMBL: Bioactive data for drug discovery34
- machine learning34
- ARBA33
- Artificial intelligence33
- Data protection33
- Open Targets Platform33
- Programming33
- RNAcentral33
- UniRule33
- data sharing33
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest32
- EOSC-Life32
- European Genome-phenome Archive32
- GPU32
- Job dispatcher32
- Machine learning32
- Metabolites32
- Raw sequencing data32
- UniProtKB32
- 3D structure31
- BioImage Archive31
- Bioimage analysis resource31
- Boolean31
- ChEBI31
- Data archive31
- DeepMind31
- Drug targets31
- EVA31
- HCA data portal31
- Human Cell Atlas Data Coordination Platform31
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Scientific topic
- Metagenomics3
- Shotgun metagenomics3
- Exomes2
- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- Metagenomic sequencing2
- Personal genomics2
- Shotgun metagenomic sequencing2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Bioinformatics1
- Chromosome walking1
- Clone verification1
- Comparative transcriptomics1
- DNA methylation1
- DNA-Seq1
- DNase-Seq1
- Epigenetics1
- Epigenomics1
- Genetic linkage1
- Genotype1
- Genotype and phenotype1
- Genotype and phenotype resources1
- Genotype-phenotype1
- Genotype-phenotype analysis1
- Genotyping1
- Genotyping experiment1
- High throughput sequencing1
- High-throughput sequencing1
- Histone modification1
- Linkage1
- Linkage mapping1
- Mapping1
- Methylation profiles1
- NGS1
- NGS data analysis1
- Next gen sequencing1
- Next generation sequencing1
- Panels1
- Phenotype1
- Phenotyping1
- Population genetics1
- Population genomics1
- Primer walking1
- Sanger sequencing1
- Sequencing1
- Synteny1
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels1
- Transcriptome1
- Transcriptomics1
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- 1) Workshop: University of Bari Aldo Moro, 1, Piazza Umberto I; 2) Summer School: Una Hotel Regina, Strada Provinciale, 57, 70016 Noicattaro, BA 1
- BluePoint Antwerpen, 9, Filip Williotstraat1
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory1
- Online1
- Online workshop delivered via Zoom1
- Sherrington Building, Ashton Street, University of Liverpool1
- online1
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Target audience
- Postdoctoral researchers1
- Postgraduate students1
- Researchers involved or embarking upon bioinformatic analysis in metagenomic projects1
- This course is aimed at those wishing to undertake analysis of microbial communities, with a particular emphasis on understanding the interactions and cross-talk of community members, especially using metabolomics. Participants are expected to have a good understanding of microbiology, metagenomics and/or metabolomics. Familiarity with Unix is a requirement, as is general use of bioinformatics tools. 15 places are reserved for SymbNET members. Participants from SymbNET institutes will be entitled to free registration. For any enquiries, please contact symbnet@igc.gulbenkian.pt 1
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