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- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)123
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- Proteins (proteins)
- HDRUK1332
- training354
- ISCB148
- bioinformatics137
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)121
- OtherEvents118
- programming108
- genes and genomes107
- Ensembl89
- next generation sequencing89
- biostatistics82
- data management80
- Bioinformatics78
- data visualisation77
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource76
- experimental biology74
- ABR70
- reproducibility70
- Galaxy69
- functional genomics69
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group60
- transcriptomics60
- Ensembl Genomes56
- API55
- mark ibberson group55
- Cross domain (cross-domain)53
- rémy bruggmann group53
- Gene expression (gene-expression)51
- Protein Data Bank in Europe51
- Europe PubMed Central49
- FAIR47
- Programmatic access47
- raphael gottardo group46
- Data analysis45
- Literature (literature)45
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database44
- InterPro44
- Python44
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor43
- Expression Atlas43
- medicine and health43
- AlphaFold Database42
- HPC42
- Data integration41
- Molecular building blocks of life39
- biochemistry39
- biomarkers39
- European Nucleotide Archive38
- European Variation Archive38
- Open access38
- Plant webinar series38
- Training (Training)38
- Complex Portal37
- MetaboLights: Metabolomics repository and reference database37
- high-performance computing37
- Chemical biology (chemical-biology)36
- Spatial transcriptomics36
- environmental science36
- workflows36
- BioModels database35
- Data management35
- FAIR principles35
- NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog35
- Open Targets35
- Protein Data Bank in Europe - Knowledge Base35
- population genomics35
- single-cell biology35
- ChEMBL: Bioactive data for drug discovery34
- introduction34
- machine learning34
- AI33
- ARBA33
- Artificial intelligence33
- Data protection33
- Open Targets Platform33
- Programming33
- UniRule33
- data sharing33
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest32
- EOSC-Life32
- European Genome-phenome Archive32
- GPU32
- Job dispatcher32
- Machine learning32
- Metabolites32
- RNAcentral32
- Raw sequencing data32
- UniProtKB32
- 3D structure31
- BioImage Archive31
- Bioimage analysis resource31
- Boolean31
- ChEBI31
- Data archive31
- DeepMind31
- Drug targets31
- EVA31
- HCA data portal31
- Human Cell Atlas Data Coordination Platform31
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Scientific topic
- Protein bioinformatics23
- Protein databases23
- Protein informatics23
- Proteins23
- Protein structure16
- Protein structures14
- Protein function analysis13
- Protein function prediction13
- Amino acid sequence9
- Amino acid sequences9
- Protein sequence9
- Protein sequences9
- Function analysis8
- Functional analysis8
- Structure analysis7
- Biomolecular structure6
- Computational structural biology6
- Molecular structure6
- Structural assignment6
- Structural bioinformatics6
- Structural biology6
- Structural determination6
- Structure data resources6
- Structure databases6
- Structure determination6
- Structures6
- Protein domain5
- Protein functional analysis5
- Biological models4
- Biological networks4
- Biological pathways4
- Biomolecular simulation4
- Bottom-up proteomics4
- Cellular process pathways4
- Comparative modelling4
- Consensus-based sequence alignment4
- Constrained sequence alignment4
- Data visualisation4
- Discovery proteomics4
- Disease pathways4
- Environmental information processing pathways4
- Gene and protein families4
- Gene families4
- Gene family4
- Gene regulatory networks4
- Gene system4
- Genes, gene family or system4
- Genetic information processing pathways4
- Homology modelling4
- Interactions4
- Interactome4
- MS-based targeted proteomics4
- MS-based untargeted proteomics4
- Metabolic pathways4
- Metaproteomics4
- Molecular docking4
- Molecular interactions4
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks4
- Molecular visualisation4
- Multiple sequence alignment (constrained)4
- Networks4
- Pathways4
- Peptide identification4
- Plotting4
- Protein and peptide identification4
- Protein families4
- Protein sequence classification4
- Proteomics4
- Quantitative proteomics4
- Rendering4
- Sequence alignment4
- Sequence alignment (constrained)4
- Sequence alignment construction4
- Sequence alignment generation4
- Signal transduction pathways4
- Signaling pathways4
- Targeted proteomics4
- Top-down proteomics4
- Visualisation4
- 2D PAGE experiment3
- Amino acids3
- Annotation3
- Chemical structures3
- DIA3
- Data archival3
- Data archiving3
- Data curation3
- Data curation and archival3
- Data preservation3
- Data-independent acquisition3
- Database curation3
- Docking3
- Drug discovery3
- Drug structures3
- Drug targets3
- Drugs and target structures3
- Enzymes3
- Enzymology3
- Exometabolomics3
- Homology modeling3
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Event type
- Workshops and courses109
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- European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton7
- European Bioinformatics Institute Hinxton3
- , Wellcome Genome Campus1
- Center of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health - CIDACS, Instituto Gonçalo Moniz (IGM), technical-scientific unit (FIOCRUZ) R. Mundo 121, Ed. Tecnocentro, Trobogy1
- Center of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health - CIDACS, Instituto Gonçalo Moniz (IGM), technical-scientific unit (FIOCRUZ), R. Mundo 121, Ed. Tecnocentro, Trobogy1
- IHEM - Instituto de Histología y Embriología - CCT CONICET Mendoza Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Faculty of Medical Sciences CONICET1
- IHEM - Instituto de Histología y Embriología - CCT CONICET Mendoza, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Faculty of Medical Sciences CONICET1
- Science and technology park of Sardinia Edificio 21
- Science and technology park of Sardinia, Edificio 21
- University EAFIT Carrera 49, número 7 sur 501
- University EAFIT, Carrera 49, número 7 sur 501
- University of Cambridge Downing Site1
- University of Cambridge, Downing Site1
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Target audience
- Plant research63
- Research presentation2
- El curso está dirigido para académicos de países latinoamericanos, que incluyen estudiantes de posgrados, postdocs e investigadores iniciando su carrera científica. En todos los casos, se prefiere que estén trabajando en metodologías moleculares para el estudio de enfermedades tropicales. Conocimiento en biología molecular es requerido, al igual que estar familiarizados con conceptos básicos en Bioinformática. Esperamos tener alrededor de 30 participantes de diferentes países latinoamericanos. Se alienta especialmente a participantes de grupos étnicos y de géneros subrepresentados a postularse para este curso. Tenga en cuenta que este curso se impartirá en español. Sin embargo, algunos de los formadores dominan el inglés y/o el portugués, por lo que se ofrecerá apoyo lingüístico cuando sea posible. Se dará prioridad de asistencia a aquellos que aún no hayan asistido a un evento de CABANA. 1
- The BioExcel school is intended for primarily PhD and post-doctoral researchers using or planning to use biomolecular modeling and simulation in their everyday research. Familiarity with Linux and basic knowledge of molecular modelling software is a requirement. 1
- The BioExcel school is intended for researchers (primarily PhD and post-docs) using or planning to use biomolecular modeling and simulation in their everyday research. Familiarity with Linux and basic knowledge of molecular modelling software is a requirement. 1
- The summer school is intended for researchers (primarily PhD and post-docs) using or planning to use biomolecular modeling and simulation in their everyday research. Familiarity with Linux and basic knowledge of molecular modelling software is a requirement. 1
- The workshop is aimed at biologists and computer scientists in Latin American countries only (excluding Chile and Uruguay due to funding restrictions) wanting to learn the basics of network analysis and biological data cure for clinically relevant pathogens. Trainees should be undertaking research at postgraduate-level upwards focusing on infectious diseases. No previous experience using interaction data resources is needed. Please note this course will be taught in English, however the trainers are fluent in either Spanish/Portuguese, and can offer language support where feasible. Priority will also be given to those who have not attended the CABANA event yet. Researchers who apply for CABANA courses should have projects in one or more of the CABANA challenge areas (sustainable crop production, communicable diseases, protection of biodiversity). Scientists from underrepresented ethnic and gender groups are especially encouraged to apply for this workshop, for example women and those with Black and/or Indigenous heritage. Prerequisites Participants will require a basic knowledge of the Unix command line, and the R statistical packages. We recommend these free tutorials: Basic introduction to the Unix environment: www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix Introduction and exercises for Linux: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/free-linux-training Basic R concept tutorials: www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction 1
- This course is aimed at anyone interested in finding out more about protein biology. No prior experience of bioinformatics is required, but participants should have an undergraduate level understanding of biology. For those who wish to attend the session on programmatic access a prior knowledge of coding/programming would be of benefit. For an introduction to the concept of web services and how you can use them to access the tools and data available at EMBL-EBI please watch our webinar. 1
- This course is aimed at anyone interested in finding out more about protein biology. No prior experience of bioinformatics is required, but participants should have an undergraduate level understanding of biology. For those who wish to attend the sessions on programmatic access, prior knowledge of coding/programming would be of benefit. For an introduction to the concept of web services and how you can use them to access the tools and data available programmatically, please watch this EMBL-EBI, programatically webinar. 1
- This course is aimed at scientists generating structural data or scientists utilising structural data in their analysis and/or interpretation. No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, however a basic knowledge of protein structure would be of benefit. 1
- This course is for biological researchers who want to learn more about the application of structural information in their work and how to use some of the key bioinformatics resources that are available. Prerequisites No previous experience in the field of structural bioinformatics is required, however a basic knowledge of protein structure would be of benefit. Participants should be familiar with basic Linux operations - http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/ - and have some experience of bioinformatics tools and databases. Important: We strongly recommend participants bring their own laptop with Linux OS for the course. Please also note: this course will be taught in Spanish, however the trainers are fluent in English and can offer language support where feasible. A number of travel fellowships are available for this course - early-stage researchers and researchers from underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for CABANA travel fellowships. You can apply for travel fellowships via the course application form. 1
- This workshop is aimed at PhD students within the PhD programme "Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology" (University of Pavia) and the PhD programmme "Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology" (IUSS, University School for Advanced Studies Pavia. No knowledge of programming is required, but an undergraduate level knowledge of biology or molecular biology would be useful. 1
- This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in finding out more about protein biology. No prior experience of bioinformatics is required, but an undergraduate level understanding of biology would be of benefit. 1
- This workshop is aimed at anyone interested in finding out more about protein biology. No prior experience of bioinformatics is required, but participants should have an undergraduate level understanding of biology. Those who are graduate students, postdocs and staff members from the University of Cambridge, affiliated institutions and other external Institutions or individuals, are invited to apply. 1
- This workshop is aimed at bioinformaticians with experience of analysing data from the PDB, either by processing archive files or via API access. We encourage applications from individuals with specific questions relating to PDB data that are difficult to solve using existing data queries. Programming experience is required, with a preference for those familiar with Python, although this is not an absolute requirement. An example use case might involve research into a specific drug molecule, where protein structure is relevant to drug specificity. The graph database would allow the analysis of all common interaction sites in PDB at the residue level, with the potential to expand this search across ligands containing similar fragments. Additional searches could analyse the protein-protein interaction sites between different isoforms of the same protein, and cross-reference them to sequence conservation data and predicted functional annotations. Researchers should submit a 200-word abstract when they apply that describes their work and potential queries related to PDB data. This should include details on how PDB data has been accessed previously and the types of questions trying to be answered. 1
- This workshop is suitable for academics of Latin American and Caribbean countries. Early career researchers, including graduate students, postdocs and professors working, or planning to start working in Structural Bioinformatics, are warmly encouraged to apply. Knowledge about molecular biology is required, as well as familiarity with basic bioinformatics concepts and undergraduate-level knowledge of protein structures. We expect to have around 20-25 participants from Colombia and other Latin American and Caribbean countries. Please note this workshop will be delivered in English, however some of our trainers are fluent Spanish speakers and can offer support where needed. 1
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