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Content provider
- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)2
- ELIXIR Norway1
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- eLearning
- Data management plan3
- Data managment plan3
- EeLP3
- R-programming2
- ComputationalBiology1
- Data analysis1
- Data carpentry1
- Data processing1
- Git1
- Marine Metagenomics1
- Metabolomics1
- Plotting data1
- Python1
- Shell1
- Software Carpentry1
- Statistics1
- Version control1
- bioinformatics1
- biostatistics1
- genomics1
- machine learning1
- omics data1
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Scientific topic
- Cloud computing2
- Computer science2
- Data management2
- Exomes2
- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- HPC2
- High performance computing2
- High-performance computing2
- Metadata management2
- Personal genomics2
- Research data management (RDM)2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Bayesian methods1
- Biostatistics1
- Descriptive statistics1
- Gaussian processes1
- Inferential statistics1
- Marine biology1
- Markov processes1
- Metagenomics1
- Multivariate statistics1
- Probabilistic graphical model1
- Probability1
- Shotgun metagenomics1
- Statistics1
- Statistics and probability1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses3
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- Institutt for pedagogikk og lærerutdanning (Faculty of Humanities), Teorifagbygget-Hus 11
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Vrazov Trg 2, SI-1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia1
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Vrazov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia1
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- Slovenia2
- Norway1
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Target audience
- Master students
- Researchers20
- life scientists17
- PhD students16
- Life Science Researchers6
- Undergraduate students4
- bioinformaticians3
- data managers2
- Associate Professors1
- Beginners in statistics1
- Biophysicists1
- Clinicians1
- PhD candidates1
- Physicians1
- Post-Doctoral Fellows1
- Postgraduate students1
- Professors1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- data stewards1
- engineers1
- teachers1
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- Registration of interest3
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