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Content provider
- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics2
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- licensing
- Variant calling5
- bioinformatics4
- Bioinformatics3
- NGS bioinformatics3
- life sciences3
- DNA-seq2
- Data analysis2
- Data management plan2
- Galaxy2
- Genetic Variation2
- HPC2
- High performance computing2
- NGS2
- Workflows2
- data management2
- data organisation2
- life science standards2
- metadata2
- phylogenetics2
- storage2
- supercomputer2
- R-programming1
- RNA-Seq1
- Biological databases1
- Bisulfite-Seq1
- Cloud computing1
- Coding1
- Command line1
- Compute1
- Computer Programming1
- Containers1
- DNA Methylation1
- Data Visualization1
- Data handling1
- Data skills1
- Deep learning1
- Epigenetics1
- HTP data1
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Course1
- Managing and Processing data1
- Metabolomics1
- Phosphoproteomics1
- Phosphorylation1
- Python1
- Python for Biologists1
- R1
- R Studio1
- R/Bioconductor1
- Shell script1
- Tools1
- Unix/Linux1
- data collection1
- image processing1
- lifescience1
- massspectrometry1
- nanotoxicology1
- ontologies, enanomapper1
- ontology1
- research data1
- transcriptomics1
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Scientific topic
- Aerobiology2
- Behavioural biology2
- Bioinformatics2
- Biological rhythms2
- Biological science2
- Biology2
- Chronobiology2
- Cryobiology2
- Data management2
- FAIR data2
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data2
- Metadata management2
- Open science2
- Reproductive biology2
- Research data management (RDM)2
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Event type
- Workshops and courses2
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Target audience
- Biologists
- health professionals2
- Biomedical researchers2
- Life sciences2
- PhD candidate2
- Researchers2
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator2
- bioinformaticians2
- data steward / data manager2
- Postdoctoral researcher1
- Professor1
- Professors1
- data manager1
- data stewards1
- postdoctoral researchers1
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