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- life sciences
- DNA-seq2
- NGS2
- NGS bioinformatics2
- Variant calling2
- bioinformatics2
- R-programming1
- Bisulfite-Seq1
- CWL1
- Command line1
- DNA Methylation1
- Data analysis1
- Data carpentry1
- De Novo1
- Epigenetics1
- Machine Learning, Introductory, Novice / Entry-level, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Principal Component Analysis, K-means, Hierarchical Clustering, Decision Trees, Random Forest, Regression1
- Nextflow1
- Snakemake1
- SoftwareCarpentry1
- Unix Shell1
- WES1
- WESkit1
- Workflows1
- biostatistics1
- data1
- de-novo genome assembly1
- entrepeneurship1
- machine learning1
- nf-core1
- omics data1
- python1
- workflUX1
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- United Kingdom1
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Target audience
- post-docs
- Researchers9
- PhD students8
- life scientists6
- Undergraduate students4
- Biologists3
- Life Science Researchers3
- mixed audience3
- data managers2
- Associate Professors1
- Biophysicists1
- PhD Students1
- PhD candidates1
- PhD students, postDoc and PIs in Life Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics with little or no knowledge of network biology tools, who are interested in learning how to apply such tools in their research.1
- Post-Doctoral Fellows1
- Professors1
- bioinformaticians1
- data librarians1
- engineers1
- life science industry1
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