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- training
- EeLP16
- eLearning16
- Data management plan8
- bioinformatics8
- life sciences8
- Computer science6
- DMP6
- experimental biology6
- functional genomics6
- genes and genomes6
- genomics5
- next generation sequencing5
- transcriptomics5
- Data analysis4
- Genomics4
- biochemistry4
- mauro delorenzi & frédéric schütz group4
- Assembly3
- R-programming3
- Data managment plan3
- Population Genomics3
- Reproducibility3
- Training3
- biomarkers3
- biostatistics3
- machine learning3
- population genomics3
- proteins and proteomes3
- proteomics3
- reproducibility3
- single-cell biology3
- Bioinformatics2
- DMP tools2
- Data carpentry2
- Genetic Diversity2
- Metabolomics2
- NGS bioinformatics2
- Nextflow2
- SoftwareCarpentry2
- assembly2
- basic research2
- data management2
- data mining2
- data publication2
- data sharing2
- frédérique lisacek group2
- genetic clustering2
- glycomics2
- high-performance computing2
- mass spectrometry2
- microbiology2
- open data2
- protein interactions2
- rémy bruggmann group2
- structural biology2
- RNA-Seq1
- #training1
- ATAC-seq1
- Ab initio models1
- Artificial Intelligence1
- Bayesian inference1
- Bioconductor1
- Bisulfite-Seq1
- CWL1
- ChIP-Seq1
- Chemical biology1
- Chimera1
- Command line1
- Compliance1
- Computational Biology1
- ComputationalBiology1
- DMP evaluation1
- DMP templates1
- DNA Methylation1
- DNA-seq1
- Data Protection1
- Data management planning1
- Data processing1
- Data storage1
- Data transfer1
- Datastewardship1
- De Novo1
- Epigenetics1
- Evolutinary genomics1
- FAIR principles1
- Galaxy1
- Genome sequence analysis1
- Git1
- HPC1
- High-content imaging1
- Homology modelling1
- Identifiers1
- Imaging1
- Immunogenicity1
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Scientific topic
- Cloud computing6
- Computer science6
- HPC6
- High performance computing6
- High-performance computing6
- Exomes2
- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- Personal genomics2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Bottom-up proteomics1
- Discovery proteomics1
- MS-based targeted proteomics1
- MS-based untargeted proteomics1
- Metaproteomics1
- Peptide identification1
- Protein and peptide identification1
- Proteomics1
- Quantitative proteomics1
- Targeted proteomics1
- Top-down proteomics1
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Event type
- Workshops and courses22
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Target audience
- PhD students
- Plant research21
- Academics13
- Graduate students13
- Industry13
- PhD13
- life scientists12
- Researchers11
- Undergraduate students3
- basic research3
- data managers2
- Educators1
- Life Science Researchers1
- Linux system administrators1
- PhD Scholars, Graduates and Post Graduates, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Bio instruments Professionals, Bio-informatics Professionals, Directors, CEO’s of Organizations, Supply Chain companies, Manufacturing Companies, Software development companies, Research Institutes and members1
- PhD students, postDoc and PIs in Life Sciences, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics with little or no knowledge of network biology tools, who are interested in learning how to apply such tools in their research.1
- Postgraduate students1
- Research presentation1
- Trainers1
- Training Designers1
- Training instructors1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- data librarians1
- data stewards1
- life science industry1
- trainers1
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- Registration of interest9
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