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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)22
- BioExcel1
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- Computational simulations3
- Data protection3
- Cancer therapy response2
- European Genome-phenome Archive2
- GPU2
- HPC2
- Human ecosystems2
- Signalling prior knowledge2
- Virtual humans2
- environmental readouts2
- ethics2
- genes and environment interactions2
- human phenotypes2
- Agent-based modelling1
- Boolean1
- Boolean modelling1
- Building blocks1
- Carbon footprint1
- Cell signaling1
- CellNOpt1
- Competency framework1
- Constraint-based metabolic modelling1
- Data analysis1
- Drug-target identification1
- Environmental impact1
- Green Algorithms1
- HPC workflows1
- High Performance Computing1
- MaBoSS1
- Macrophages1
- Open data1
- Orchestrator1
- PhysiBoSS1
- PhysiCell1
- Tumorigenesis1
- cancer1
- federated analysis1
- polygenic risk scores1
- workflows1
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Scientific topic
- Biomathematics
- Bioinformatics50
- Genome annotation30
- Exomes27
- Genomes27
- Genomics27
- Personal genomics27
- Synthetic genomics27
- Viral genomics27
- Whole genomes27
- Protein bioinformatics24
- Protein databases24
- Protein informatics24
- Proteins24
- Computational biology23
- Mathematical biology23
- Theoretical biology23
- Protein structure20
- Active learning18
- Ensembl learning18
- Kernel methods18
- Knowledge representation18
- Machine learning18
- Molecular diagnostics18
- Neural networks18
- Personalised medicine18
- Precision medicine18
- Protein function analysis18
- Protein function prediction18
- Protein structures18
- Recommender system18
- Reinforcement learning18
- Supervised learning18
- Unsupervised learning18
- Biological modelling17
- Biological system modelling17
- Systems biology17
- Systems modelling17
- Metabolic network modelling16
- Metabolic network reconstruction16
- Metabolic network simulation16
- Metabolic pathway modelling16
- Metabolic pathway reconstruction16
- Metabolic pathway simulation16
- Metabolic reconstruction16
- Chromosome walking15
- Clone verification15
- DNA-Seq15
- DNase-Seq15
- High throughput sequencing15
- High-throughput sequencing15
- NGS15
- NGS data analysis15
- Next gen sequencing15
- Next generation sequencing15
- Panels15
- Primer walking15
- RNA-Seq analysis15
- Sanger sequencing15
- Sequencing15
- Targeted next-generation sequencing panels15
- Community analysis14
- Environmental microbiology14
- Metagenomics14
- Microbial ecology14
- Microbiome14
- Molecular community analysis14
- Omics14
- Shotgun metagenomics14
- Biological models13
- Biological networks13
- Biological pathways13
- Cellular process pathways13
- Comparative transcriptomics13
- Data visualisation13
- Disease pathways13
- Environmental information processing pathways13
- Function analysis13
- Functional analysis13
- Gene regulatory networks13
- Genetic information processing pathways13
- Interactions13
- Interactome13
- Metabolic pathways13
- Molecular interactions13
- Molecular interactions, pathways and networks13
- Networks13
- Pathways13
- Signal transduction pathways13
- Signaling pathways13
- Transcriptome13
- Transcriptomics13
- Antimicrobial stewardship12
- Data archival12
- Data archiving12
- Data curation12
- Data curation and archival12
- Data preservation12
- Database curation12
- Medical microbiology12
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Event type
- Workshops and courses23
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- United Kingdom5
- Spain1
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Target audience
- Plant research11
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