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Content provider
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)382
- Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics80
- de.NBI65
- Finn's Test Provider57
- Galaxy Training39
- Future Learn21
- NanoCommons17
- Australian BioCommons10
- Centre for Digital Life Norway8
- OpenRiskNet7
- BioExcel6
- ELIXIR Slovenia6
- Earlham Institute6
- Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre5
- Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)4
- DTLS - Dutch Techcentre For Life Sciences4
- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)4
- INB: Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute4
- NEOF Training4
- ELIXIR Portugal3
- Galaxy Project3
- ELIXIR Norway2
- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics2
- Bioconductor1
- CodeRefinery1
- ELIXIR Luxembourg1
- ELIXIR: The Czech Republic Node1
- Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas / Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences (FORTH/ICE-HT)1
- RiskGONE1
- SciLifeLab1
- UCL Engineering1
- University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- training139
- Proteins (proteins)99
- DNA & RNA (dna-rna)87
- Ensembl82
- UniProt: The Universal Protein Resource74
- Ensembl Genomes55
- API49
- Europe PubMed Central49
- Protein Data Bank in Europe49
- Programmatic access47
- Literature (literature)45
- Cross domain (cross-domain)44
- Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor43
- InterPro43
- genes and genomes43
- AlphaFold Database41
- FAIR41
- Gene expression (gene-expression)40
- IntAct Molecular Interaction Database40
- Molecular building blocks of life39
- Data analysis38
- Expression Atlas38
- Open access38
- Plant webinar series38
- Data integration37
- European Variation Archive36
- programming36
- Complex Portal35
- European Nucleotide Archive35
- MetaboLights: Metabolomics repository and reference database35
- Python35
- AI34
- ChEMBL: Bioactive data for drug discovery34
- Chemical biology (chemical-biology)34
- FAIR principles34
- HPC34
- Spatial transcriptomics34
- introduction34
- ARBA33
- Artificial intelligence33
- BioModels database33
- Data protection33
- NHGRI-EBI GWAS Catalog33
- Open Targets Platform33
- Protein Data Bank in Europe - Knowledge Base33
- RNAcentral33
- UniRule33
- torsten schwede & thierry sengstag group33
- Chemical Entities of Biological Interest32
- Data management32
- EOSC-Life32
- GPU32
- Job dispatcher32
- Metabolites32
- Raw sequencing data32
- UniProtKB32
- 3D structure31
- Bioimage analysis resource31
- Boolean31
- ChEBI31
- Data archive31
- DeepMind31
- Drug targets31
- EVA31
- HCA data portal31
- Human Cell Atlas Data Coordination Platform31
- Non-coding RNA31
- Plant research31
- Single-cell transcriptomics31
- Structure prediction31
- Training (Training)31
- Virtual humans31
- cancer31
- data sharing31
- macromolecular assembly31
- ncRNA31
- teaching31
- Abiotic stress30
- Accessibility30
- BioImage Archive30
- Biocurator30
- Biostatistics30
- Crop improvement30
- Data standards30
- Deep phenotyping30
- Drug-target identification30
- European Genome-phenome Archive30
- Flowering plants30
- Hyb-Seq method30
- IMEx30
- Infernal software30
- Machine learning30
- Mathematical modelling30
- Missense variation30
- Pangenomes30
- Pangenomics30
- Phenotyping30
- Plant breeding30
- Plant database30
- Show N_FILTERS more
Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics61
- Data management32
- Metadata management32
- Research data management (RDM)32
- Genome annotation31
- Exomes29
- Genomes29
- Genomics29
- Personal genomics29
- Synthetic genomics29
- Viral genomics29
- Whole genomes29
- Biomathematics22
- Computational biology22
- Mathematical biology22
- Theoretical biology22
- Protein structure21
- Molecular diagnostics19
- Personalised medicine19
- Precision medicine19
- Protein bioinformatics19
- Protein databases19
- Protein informatics19
- Proteins19
- Antimicrobial stewardship18
- Community analysis18
- Environmental microbiology18
- Medical microbiology18
- Microbial ecology18
- Microbial genetics18
- Microbial physiology18
- Microbial surveillance18
- Microbiological surveillance18
- Microbiology18
- Microbiome18
- Molecular community analysis18
- Molecular infection biology18
- Molecular microbiology18
- Protein structures18
- Active learning16
- Ensembl learning16
- Kernel methods16
- Knowledge representation16
- Machine learning16
- Neural networks16
- Pipelines16
- Protein function analysis16
- Protein function prediction16
- Recommender system16
- Reinforcement learning16
- Software integration16
- Supervised learning16
- Tool integration16
- Tool interoperability16
- Unsupervised learning16
- Workflows16
- Data archival15
- Data archiving15
- Data curation15
- Data curation and archival15
- Data preservation15
- Database curation15
- Research data archiving15
- Exometabolomics13
- LC-MS-based metabolomics13
- MS-based metabolomics13
- MS-based targeted metabolomics13
- MS-based untargeted metabolomics13
- Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics13
- Metabolites13
- Metabolome13
- Metabolomics13
- Metabonomics13
- Metagenomics13
- NMR-based metabolomics13
- RNA-Seq analysis13
- Shotgun metagenomics13
- Cloud computing12
- Computer science12
- FAIR data12
- Findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable data12
- HPC12
- High performance computing12
- High-performance computing12
- High-throughput sequencing12
- Biological modelling11
- Biological system modelling11
- Chromosome walking11
- Clone verification11
- Comparative transcriptomics11
- DNA-Seq11
- DNase-Seq11
- Function analysis11
- Functional analysis11
- High throughput sequencing11
- Literature search11
- NGS11
- NGS data analysis11
- Next gen sequencing11
- Next generation sequencing11
- Show N_FILTERS more
- Data handling16
- File handling16
- File processing16
- Processing16
- Report handling16
- Utility operation16
- Data brokering8
- Data deposition8
- Data deposition brokering8
- Data submission8
- Database deposition8
- Database submission8
- Data analysis7
- Data visualisation3
- Molecular visualisation3
- Plotting3
- Rendering3
- Visualisation3
- Allele calling1
- Biological pathway analysis1
- Biological pathway modelling1
- Biological pathway prediction1
- Exome variant detection1
- Expectation maximisation1
- Functional clustering1
- Functional pathway analysis1
- Functional sequence clustering1
- Genome variant detection1
- Germ line variant calling1
- Gibbs sampling1
- Hypothesis testing1
- Mutation detection1
- Omnibus test1
- Optimisation and refinement1
- Pathway analysis1
- Pathway comparison1
- Pathway modelling1
- Pathway prediction1
- Pathway simulation1
- Significance testing1
- Somatic variant calling1
- Statistical analysis1
- Statistical calculation1
- Statistical test1
- Statistical testing1
- Variant calling1
- Variant mapping1
- de novo mutation detection1
- Show N_FILTERS more
- European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton11
- SIB10
- EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus8
- EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus7
- Online5
- , Wellcome Genome Campus2
- Earlham Institute (EI), Colney Lane2
- Frankfurt am Main2
- University of Cambridge, Downing Street2
- Australia1
- Berlin1
- Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences, Bhupat and Jyoti Mehta School of Biosciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras1
- Campus Gasthuisberg Leuven, room O&N51
- Center of Data and Knowledge Integration for Health - CIDACS, Instituto Gonçalo Moniz (IGM), technical-scientific unit (FIOCRUZ), R. Mundo 121, Ed. Tecnocentro, Trobogy1
- Craik-Marshall Building1
- Digital1
- Erasmus Medical Center, Dr. Molewaterplein 401
- Eye Filmmuseum1
- Heidelberg1
- Korinth1
- Köln1
- Online workshop delivered via Zoom1
- The Open University - Online1
- USP / FIOCRUZ Amazonas, Rua Terezina, 476 - Adrianópolis1
- University of Costa Rica (UCR), Ciudad universitaria Rodrigo Facio Brenes1
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine1
- Via Principessa Margherita, 461
- Virtual (Slack)1
- Yellowknife1
- Zoom1
- register for online participation: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/14291236370652551811
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- ELIXIR Europe11
- Centre for Digital Life Norway8
- de.NBI6
- NanoCommons5
- ABRomics4
- Australian BioCommons4
- Avans Hogeschool4
- EU H20204
- Erasmus Medical Center4
- H3ABioNet4
- Institut Français de Bioinformatique4
- University of Freiburg4
- ELIXIR Converge3
- NanoSolveIT3
- RDA-Portugal3
- The Pennsylvania State University3
- EU H2020 NanoCommons2
- Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg2
- Pôle National de Données de Biodiversité2
- The Carpentries2
- Austrian Science Fund grant W012131
- Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies Zurich (EXCITE Zurich)1
- EASI-genomics1
- ELIXIR Slovenia1
- ELIXIR Training Platform1
- Gallantries: Bridging Training Communities in Life Science, Environment and Health1
- HPC Carpentry1
- IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele1
- LINQ management GmbH1
- NanoRigo1
- Nanocommons1
- Niklas Taffelby1
- Pan-Africa network for genomic surveillance of poverty related diseases and emerging pathogens1
- Pan-African Consortium for the Evaluation of Antituberculosis Antibiotics1
- RiskGone1
- South African National Bioinformatics Institute, University of the Western Cape1
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute1
- The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership1
- The European Union1
- The Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics1
- Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele1
- https://nanorigo.eu/1
- nanocommons1
- www.nanocommons.eu1
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Target audience
- Plant research174
- PhD students33
- Researchers26
- Graduate students13
- mixed audience13
- Life Science Researchers12
- Academics10
- Industry10
- PhD10
- bioinformaticians10
- All postgraduates7
- Master students7
- PhD candidate7
- Professors7
- Biologists6
- data steward / data manager6
- Life sciences5
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator5
- Undergraduate students5
- Anyone intersted in GWAS and using the H3Africa genotyping chip4
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists4
- Post Docs4
- Research presentation4
- Technicians4
- data stewards4
- post-docs4
- postdoctoral researchers4
- Beginner3
- Clinicians3
- Graduate Students3
- Intermediate3
- PhD Students3
- data manager3
- data managers3
- life scientists3
- project manager3
- reproducible research3
- Beginners2
- Evolutionary Biologists2
- Masters students2
- Molecular Biologists2
- Pathologists2
- Post-Docs2
- Postdoctoral researchers2
- Postgraduate students2
- Trainers2
- Training Designers2
- Training instructors2
- basic research2
- database managers2
- healthcare professionals2
- medical specialists2
- modellers for nanosafety prediction2
- policy officer2
- registry curators2
- research software engineers and research data managers working with ELIXIR-supported tools and resources2
- researchers2
- software developers, bioinformaticians2
- software engineers2
- students2
- health professionals1
- rare disease patients representatives1
- Anyone interested in learning about metabolomics1
- Anyone who wants to learn more about GWAS1
- Beginners who have very little background in using the command line and are enthusiastic to learn more1
- Bench biologists1
- Bioinformaticians1
- Bioinformaticians and Biologists who want to learn how to manipulate, process data, and make plots using R1
- Bioinformaticians and wet-lab biologists1
- Bioinformaticians and wet-lab biologists who can program1
- Biomedical researchers1
- Biophysicists1
- Cloud users1
- Computational biologists1
- Core Facility Managers1
- Developers1
- ELIXIR members1
- Early Career Researcher1
- Educators1
- Galaxy users1
- General Interest1
- HPC users1
- IT support1
- Institutions and other external Institutions or individuals1
- Life Scientists1
- Linux system administrators1
- Mainly graduate students and Junior post-docs, of either experimental or computational background, with basic training in life sciences, or (bio)chemistry, or physics, or mathematics, or engineering1
- PhD Scholars, Graduates and Post Graduates, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Bio instruments Professionals, Bio-informatics Professionals, Directors, CEO’s of Organizations, Supply Chain companies, Manufacturing Companies, Software development companies, Research Institutes and members1
- PhD candidates1
- Physicians1
- Postdocs and Staff members from the University of Cambridge1
- Postdoctoral researcher1
- Professor1
- Scientists1
- Statistics1
- Technologists1
- The workshop is suitable for scientists that are producing sequence data and require a platform to publish it1
- and for bioinformaticians wishing to search and analyse third party sequence data.1
- beginner bioinformaticians1
- bioinformatician1
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