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Content provider
- ELIXIR Portugal6
- ELIXIR-SI eLearning Platform (EeLP)5
- ELIXIR: The Czech Republic Node2
- Galaxy Project2
- NanoCommons2
- Australian BioCommons1
- ELIXIR Slovenia1
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)1
- IFB French Institute of Bioinformatics1
- Jalview1
- VIB Bioinformatics Core1
- VIB Conferences1
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- eLearning6
- EeLP5
- Data management plan3
- Data managment plan3
- bioinformatics3
- life sciences3
- Imaging2
- Next generation sequencing data analysis2
- data FAIRness2
- genomics2
- metadata2
- nanosafety assessment2
- systems medicine2
- Linux1
- R-programming1
- RNA-Seq1
- Ab initio models1
- Artificial Intelligence1
- Big Data1
- Bioinformatics1
- Chimera1
- Command line1
- Computational Biology1
- DMP1
- Data analysis1
- Data carpentry1
- Data visualisation1
- Genome Assembly1
- Homology modelling1
- Jalview1
- Life science1
- MSA1
- Ontology1
- Open science1
- Phylogenetic trees1
- Protein secondary structure1
- R1
- RStudio1
- Software Carpentry1
- Statistics1
- Synthetic biology1
- Systems biology1
- University of Dundee1
- University of Liverpool1
- Unix1
- Unix/Linux1
- Webinar1
- advanced cellular models1
- advanced models1
- adverse outcome pathway1
- carpentry1
- crop ontology1
- data management1
- data mining and analysis1
- data stewardship1
- expertise exchange1
- genome annotation1
- high-performance computing1
- image processing1
- in silico prediction1
- intrinsically disordered proteins1
- life sciences, bioinformatics1
- machine learning1
- molecular initiating events1
- multiple sequence alignment1
- next generation sequencing1
- ols1
- open access1
- open data1
- open source1
- openlifesci1
- personalized medicine1
- plantbiology1
- plants1
- preprints1
- protein corona formation1
- protein family databases1
- protein folding1
- protein prediction1
- protein sequence 1
- protein structure 1
- subfamily analysis1
- training1
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Scientific topic
- Data management10
- Metadata management10
- Research data management (RDM)10
- Bioinformatics5
- Cloud computing4
- Computer science4
- HPC4
- High performance computing4
- High-performance computing4
- Bayesian methods2
- Biostatistics2
- Descriptive statistics2
- Exomes2
- Gaussian processes2
- Genome annotation2
- Genomes2
- Genomics2
- Inferential statistics2
- Markov processes2
- Multivariate statistics2
- Personal genomics2
- Probabilistic graphical model2
- Probability2
- Statistics2
- Statistics and probability2
- Synthetic genomics2
- Systems medicine2
- Viral genomics2
- Whole genomes2
- Active learning1
- Aerobiology1
- Behavioural biology1
- Biological modelling1
- Biological rhythms1
- Biological science1
- Biological system modelling1
- Biology1
- Biomathematics1
- Botany1
- Chronobiology1
- Computational biology1
- Cryobiology1
- Data analysis1
- Data architecture1
- Data architecture, analysis and design1
- Data design1
- Data mining1
- Data rendering1
- Data visualisation1
- Diffraction experiment1
- Ensembl learning1
- Imaging1
- Kernel methods1
- Knowledge representation1
- Machine learning1
- Mathematical biology1
- Microscopy1
- Microscopy imaging1
- Molecular diagnostics1
- Neural networks1
- Optical super resolution microscopy1
- Pattern recognition1
- Personalised medicine1
- Photonic force microscopy1
- Photonic microscopy1
- Plant1
- Plant anatomy1
- Plant biology1
- Plant cell biology1
- Plant ecology1
- Plant genetics1
- Plant physiology1
- Plant science1
- Plants1
- Precision medicine1
- Protein databases1
- Protein disordered structure1
- Protein expression1
- Protein features (disordered structure)1
- Protein hydropathy1
- Protein physicochemistry1
- Protein properties1
- Recommender system1
- Reinforcement learning1
- Reproductive biology1
- Supervised learning1
- Systems biology1
- Systems modelling1
- Theoretical biology1
- Translation1
- Unsupervised learning1
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- Data analysis1
- Data handling1
- Data visualisation1
- Expectation maximisation1
- File handling1
- File processing1
- Gibbs sampling1
- Hypothesis testing1
- Molecular visualisation1
- Omnibus test1
- Plotting1
- Processing1
- Rendering1
- Report handling1
- Significance testing1
- Statistical analysis1
- Statistical calculation1
- Statistical test1
- Statistical testing1
- Utility operation1
- Visualisation1
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- Branišovská 1160/31, 31, Branišovská1
- Conference Centre, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Videnska 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic1
- ENS Lyon - Site Monod, 46, Allée d'Italie1
- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) - Training Room 11
- ITQB NOVA, Avenida da República1
- Institute of Molecular Genetics, Vídeňská 1083, 1083, Prague 41
- Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM), Avenida Professor Egas Moniz1
- International Nanotechnology Laboratories - INL1
- Luxembourg Learning Centre, University of Luxembourg1
- MSTC, Sherrington Building, University of Liverpool1
- Moscone Center1
- NV Zebrastraat, 32, Zebrastraat1
- Provinciehuis, Provincieplein 1, Leuven1
- UHasselt Diepenbeek gebouw D, Agoralaan1
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, Vrazov Trg 2, SI-1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia1
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Vrazov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia1
- University of Minho - Campus of Gualtar, Rua da Universidade1
- University of Paris-Sud, 15, Rue Georges Clemenceau1
- Università degli Studi di Padova - Casa della Gioventù, Via Rio Bianco,121
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- RDA-Portugal3
- NanoCommons2
- Austrian Science Fund grant W012131
- Center for Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies Zurich (EXCITE Zurich)1
- Data & Software Carpentry1
- ELIXIR Slovenia1
- ELIXIR Training Platform1
- HPC Carpentry1
- NanoRigo1
- University of Dundee1
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Target audience
- Life Science Researchers
- Graduate students765
- Postdocs and Staff members from the University of Cambridge489
- Institutions and other external Institutions or individuals486
- PhD students346
- Academics288
- Industry288
- PhD280
- Plant research174
- Researchers74
- Biologists34
- bioinformaticians32
- life scientists17
- post-docs16
- mixed audience15
- Master students14
- PhD Students13
- This is aimed at life scientists with little or no experience in machine learning and that are looking at implementing these approaches in their research.13
- Graduate Students12
- as well as other departmental training within the University of Cambridge (potentially under a different name) so participants who have attended statistics training elsewhere should check before applying.12
- Existing R users who are not familiar with dplyr and ggplot211
- This course is included as part of several DTP and MPhil programmes11
- Those with programming experience in other languages that want to know what R can offer them11
- Biologists, Genomicists, Computer Scientists10
- Professors10
- All postgraduates9
- Bioinformaticians and wet-lab biologists who can program9
- PhD candidates9
- Wet-lab researchers and bioinformaticians 9
- Bioinformaticians8
- Undergraduate students8
- data stewards8
- postdoctoral researchers8
- PhD candidate7
- Researchers who are applying or planning to apply image analysis in their research7
- Technicians7
- data steward / data manager7
- Postgraduate students6
- The course is aimed primarily at mid-career scientists – especially those whose formal education likely included statistics6
- but who have not perhaps put this into practice since.6
- data managers6
- Clinicians5
- It may be particularly useful for those who have attended other Facility Courses and now need to process their data on a Linux server. It will also benefit those who find themselves using their personal computers to run computationally demanding analysis/simulations and would like to learn how to adapt these to run on a HPC.5
- Life sciences5
- Post Docs5
- Postdoctoral Researchers5
- Postdoctoral researchers5
- Senior scientist/ Principal investigator5
- The course is open to Graduate students5
- This course is aimed at students and researchers of any background.5
- Trainers5
- We assume no prior knowledge of what a HPC is or how to use it.5
- postdocs5
- software developers, bioinformaticians5
- Anyone intersted in GWAS and using the H3Africa genotyping chip4
- Bioinformaticians and wet-lab biologists who can program in Perl, Python or R. 4
- Biomedical researchers4
- Molecular Biologists4
- Novice users of HPC and anyone who expects to need to use HPC systems at some stage in their research4
- Pathologists4
- Research presentation4
- Researchers who want to extract quantitative information from microscopy images4
- This course is aimed at researchers with an interest in metabolomics and its applications4
- This workshop is aimed at researchers interested in proteins4
- This workshop is aimed at researchers who need to undertake sequence searching as part of their work4
- Wet-lab Researchers4
- beginner bioinformaticians4
- database managers4
- network analysis4
- or who need to search against several biological datasets to gain knowledge of a gene/gene set4
- protein-protein interactions and related areas4
- health professionals3
- <span style="color:#FF0000">There is no fee charged for this event''<span style="color:#FF0000">.3
- Anyone who wants to become a teacher / trainer or a better one3
- Beginner3
- Bench biologists3
- Bioinformaticians and wet-lab biologists who can program in Python or R. 3
- Computational biologists3
- Core Facility Managers3
- Developers3
- Early Career Researcher3
- Evolutionary Biologists3
- Institutions and other external Institutions or individuals.3
- Intermediate3
- Masters students3
- Post-Docs3
- Scientists3
- Students and researchers from life-sciences or biomedical backgrounds3
- The course is aimed at <b>bench biologists and bioinformaticians</b> who need to analyse their own data against large biological datasets3
- The module is suitable for researchers interested in gene expression analysis and visualisation3
- The workshop is aimed to biologists or computer scientists with little or no previous knowledge of Cytoscape3
- This course is aimed at advanced PhD students and post-doctoral researchers who are applying or planning to apply high throughput sequencing technologies in cancer research and wish to familiarise themselves with bioinformatics tools and data analysis methodologies specific to cancer data. Familiarity with the technology and biological use cases of high throughput sequencing is required, as is some experience with R/Bioconductor (basic understanding of the R syntax and ability to manipulate R objects) and the Unix/Linux operating system. 3
- This introductory course is aimed at biologists with little or no experience in machine learning.3
- This workshop is aimed at researchers who are either generating or integrating molecular interaction data in their research. This could be protein-protein interaction as well as protein-RNA3
- This workshop is aimed at students on the Rare Diseases and Experimental Medicine MPhil courses at the University of Cambridge. Students from the wider clinical sciences group are also able to attend subject to space being available.3
- This workshop is aimed at wet-lab scientists and bioinformaticians. Participants should have degree-level understanding of molecular biology/genetics and be proficient at using web browsers. 3
- Training Designers3
- Training instructors3
- basic research3
- bioinformatics and other life scientists planning to work with next-generation sequencing data.3
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