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- Software Carpentry2
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- Bioinformatics13
- R-programming6
- Unix3
- bioinformatics3
- Programming2
- Python2
- SoftwareCarpentry2
- genome browsing2
- genomics2
- Annotation1
- Biological databases1
- ComputationalBiology1
- Computer Programming1
- Databases1
- Epigenomics1
- Galaxy1
- Genomics1
- Git1
- Matlab1
- Metabolomics1
- Plants1
- Proteomics1
- Python for Biologists1
- Single Cell Sequencing1
- Training technique1
- data management1
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Scientific topic
- Bioinformatics
- Exomes5
- Genome annotation5
- Genomes5
- Genomics5
- Personal genomics5
- Synthetic genomics5
- Viral genomics5
- Whole genomes5
- Data management4
- Metadata management4
- Research data management (RDM)4
- Cloud computing3
- Computer science3
- HPC3
- High performance computing3
- High-performance computing3
- Data archival2
- Data archiving2
- Data curation2
- Data curation and archival2
- Data preservation2
- Database curation2
- Research data archiving2
- Biomathematics1
- Computational biology1
- Data rendering1
- Data visualisation1
- Mathematical biology1
- Theoretical biology1
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- 161 Barry St, Carlton2
- 187 Grattan St, 187, Grattan Street2
- Australia2
- USYD Camperdown, Jacaranda Training Room, Level 3, G12 Services Building 2
- 187 Grattan Street1
- Computer Lab G16-G17, Ground Floor, Wallace Wurth Building, UNSW Sydney1
- Fisher Training Room 210, Fisher Library, Camperdown Campus, The University of Sydney1
- Griffith University1
- HS3 401, La Trobe University - Bundoora 1
- HS3 402, La Trobe University, Melbourne Campus, Plenty Road1
- Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, 6 Verdun St1
- Maths & Physics Building, Sandy Bay Campus, University of Tasmania1
- Maths & Physics Building, Sandy Bay Campus, University of Tasmania, Hobart1
- Monash University1
- Multi-media room, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, University of Queensland1
- Nathan Campus, Griffith University1
- Room 034-011C, James Cook University, Townsville Campus1
- Room E365 (Level 3, East wing, 20 Chancellors Walk- Menzies Building), Monash University Clayton Campus, Wellington Road1
- Seminar Room 1, WEHI 1G Royal Parade1
- Small multimedia room 3.146, Queensland Bioscience Precinct1
- Small multimedia room 3.146, Queensland Bioscience Precinct, Chancellors Place, St Lucia 1
- The University of Sydney1
- The University of Western Australia, Crawley Campus1
- Training Room 2 (T2), Matheson Library, Monash University1
- UNSW Kensington, Computer Lab G16-G17, ground floor, Wallace Wurth Building 1
- UNSW Sydney1
- USYD Camperdown, CPC Room 60.03, Level 6, Charles Perkins Centre D171
- University of Melbourne1
- University of New England1
- Western Sydney University, Hawkesbury Campus, Londonderry Road1
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- Australia33
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