hands-on tutorial
AlphaFold and friends on the HPC
Architectural details, code and trained AlphaFold models were released by DeepMind in 2021. Given the high computational cost of deep learning algorithms, specialized hardware and software are required. Online solutions are available but come with considerable disadvantages. Therefore, the Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC) provides high performance computing facilities, on which AlphaFold is installed and fully operational. This course gives a solid introduction on how AlphaFold can be easily and swiftly accessed using the HPC.
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: AlphaFold Database (13181), Structure prediction
Target audience: Life scientists with programming skills
Resource type: hands-on tutorial
Version: 1.0
Date created: 2021-12-02
Contributors: Kenneth Hoste
Scientific topics: Protein structure analysis, Machine learning, Structure prediction
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