Slides, Training materials
FAIR Data Stewardship - Data sharing, archiving and publishing
In this workshop we focus on three aspects of FAIR data stewardship: Data sharing, publishing and archiving. Many scientists have an insufficient overview over data services, roles and their responsibilities towards safe data sharing, archiving and publishing. Shedding light on these roles helps to improve quality of archived and published data and metadata. Moreover, more information on safe data sharing of potentially sensitive data is needed in the scientific communities.
The workshop introduces the concepts and gives hands-on experience with tools which allow safe data sharing, archiving and publishing on example services. Moreover, participants of the workshop explore together different roles which are defined around data publication and how responsibilities towards data are distributed. The course does not require any prior knowledge.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3066870
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Keywords: Data Life Cycle, FAIR, data management, data stewardship, data repositories, data sharing, data publication
Target audience: General Interest, Scientists, Researchers, data stewards
Resource type: Slides, Training materials
Activity log