Genomics WorkshopWorkshop OverviewTeaching Platform
This lesson assumes no prior experience with the tools covered in the workshop.
However, learners are expected to have some familiarity with biological concepts,
including nucleotide abbreviations and the
concept of genomic variation within a population. Participants should bring their laptops and plan to participate actively. To get started, follow the directions in the Setup tab to
get access to the required software and data for this workshop. Please note that workshop materials for working with Genomics data in R are under development and will become available
in June 2018. This workshop uses data from a long term evolution experiment published in 2012: Genomic analysis of a key innovation in an experimental Escherichia coli population by Blount ZD, Barrick JE, Davidson CJ, and Lenski RE. (doi: 10.1038/nature11514) More information about these data will be presented in the first lesson of the workshop.
Activity log